Chapter 3

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Shimmer and I lead our group through the woods. Daniel is behind me chanting Lanna's name. I pull an arrow onto the bow. I want to be ready in case we meet any monsters. Darkness has already set in making it difficult to see.

I sense a presence. Looking around one of the trees, I see an eight foot monster sniffing the air for prey. I pull my bow up and hit the monster. It's cold heartless eyes look up at me. Pulling the sword from the scabbard I slit it's throat. The life slowly drains from the beast. I see Shimmers eyes held tight together.

"Come on we need to keep moving," I demand.

The others slowly follow behind me. We move deeper into the dense wooded area. The moon light is sending eerie shadows through the tall trees. As we go through the trees a foul smell hits my nose. The smell is a dense semi sweet bitter smell. I look down and see a crimson trail on top of soft pine needles. Shimmer also sees the trail. She pulls a sword out and holds it ready to strike.  

 I pull an arrow tightly back on the bow. I see Daniel take his battle ax and holds it tightly. I show a forward motion. They all follow silently behind me. The further we travel on the trail, the crimson trail thickens into pools. I bend down and dip a finger into the substance. The liquid is very thick. It's blood. I can only assume from who.

Further along the trail with pools of blood, I see a giant tree with smears of blood on it. The tree is covered with streaks and smears, behind the tree I see a pair of legs. We move silently, hearing a sucking sound. I pull the arrow up. I look at the others and nod. We are going in. 

Over the pale body is a creature as black as night. Two longs pointed fangs are retracted into the neck on jugular artery. The creature is drinking the blood out of the pale figure. I look down at the face of the body. It's Lanna. Immediately I shoot the creature with the arrow. It falls to the ground with a thud. 

I go closer to the creature recognizing an empusa. When the last amount of life is out of the empusa, I think to my self. This empusa must have been starving for they usually only attack men. I walk away from the empusa, over to the pale figure on the ground.

Turning the head towards me. The figures face is snow white. The hair is dark black and silver eyes look into the night sky. I bring my index finger to the neck of the figure. There is no pulse. I look up at Daniel.

"She's gone," I tell him.  

"But she can't be!" he shouts at me.  

"I'm so sorry Daniel." Turning my head over to Shimmer.

"Sound the horn we are heading back." 

"Sure whatever," Shimmer sounds the horn. 

I pick Lanna up off the ground. Her hair is matted with blood. Walking through the forest we all reach the clearing. I see the others standing and waiting for us. I lay the Lanna on the ground. The crowd moves back a step. I raise my voice so everyone can hear me.

"Lanna is dead. She was attacked by an empusa. I need someone to prepare a burial sheet. And someone else to make a coffin."

Two groups of people step forward. They run off to prepare to bury Lanna. I hear soft sobs from the crowd. Lanna was a very popular person. Her mother or father will be weaping tonight. The only problem with being part god or goddess is we don't know who are parents are. We are left in a orphanage until we turn ten then we are taken to this camp. We learn to fight and protect ourselves. Most of us remember the face of our only parent. The only thing is I don't know either of my parents.

The two groups came back to the clearing. The group of girls are carrying the burial sheet. The group of boys are carrying the coffin. The burial sheet is silver silk decorated with soft flowers and Lanna's name is written in cursive gold. The boys place her pale body in the magohny coffin. Closing the coffin, the girls place the burial sheet over the closed lid. Lowering the coffin into the plot we all say are silent goodbyes to Lanna.  


Sorry that this chapter was so late. I hope you enjoyed it.

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