Chapter 2

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I stand right outside the mess hall. I look around and notice that everyone has already gone inside. I hold Shimmers division symbol staff in my hand. I hold my head up high and push the oak double doors open.

I step inside, everyone turns there head and peers at me. Some people are scared of me. I can see why, I'm a looming five foot eight. I have electric blue eyes and blonde curly hair. My skin is the perfect shade of tan.

I walk through the hall and make my way up to the head table. For a week my division will be treated like kings. When the division wins, we sit at tables with a deep red tablecloth trimmed with real gold.

At the head table the individual person who took the staff is treated the best. They are treated like a god. As soon as I get to my seat I peer over at the rest of the division. They all talk loudly about Shimmers defeat. Ever since I got here my division has never lost a game. We have been champions for a month strait. I can tell that this makes Shimmer mad.

Daniel one of the other division members comes over to my table. "Hey Alice."

"Hey Daniel, is something wrong?"

He looks over at me with big brown eyes. I have great respect for Daniel. He was the leader of the division before I got here.

"Well we have a division member missing."


"Umm well you see it's Lanna."

'Oh no Lanna is the youngest of the division and she has the least training,'I think to myself.

"Prepare a search party, we are all going to work together to find her."

Daniel sprints of to tell the others. I get up out of my chair and walk to a glass case that holds the division symbol staffs. I put the staff into the case, and lock it. I run of to my tent to put on my armor.

I slip the shiny silver metal over my head. I tighten the straps at my waist and put a scabbard around my slim waist. I place a shiny sword inside the scabbard, this time I know I am going to need something sharper then a dagger. I grab my helmet and a quiver full of new arrows and sling it on my back grabbing the bow I head out the door. I step outside my tent and pull the helmet tightly on my head.

I see that Daniel has gathered everyone by a building. I sprint over to meet them. As I approach them they all drop thier voices and state at me. I clear my throat and begin to tell them my strategy.

"Everyone will be in a group of four. The groups will be made up of two from my division and two from Shimmers division. The head group will consist of Shimmer and I." I turn my head to Shimmer.

"You will get to pick the one from your division." She looks up at me with green eyes, she nods her head and yells "Lilly you are on my group."

I look at the groups and tell them to stay together. "If you are in trouble you will blow this horn that the elders are passing out to you."

After everyone gets a horn I turn to Daniel. "Are you ready?"

"Ready as I will ever be." I sound my horn telling everyone that we are off. Heavy clanking metal echoes around the woods. I run off with my group to look for Lanna. I will find her no matter what's going to happen.

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