Chapter Five - The Library

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Harry lay in bed for a while, not knowing what to do. Every time he closed his eyes horrific images flashed through his mind. So sleep was an unlikely option, but Harry quickly got bored just resting his head on the pillow, the only sounds breaking the silence being the gently breathing of others or the occasional murmur.

 So eventually Harry hauled himself up out of bed, his joints complaining from the awkard position that he had fallen asleep in. He tried to focus his gaze, but with no torches and the only source of light being a glowing shaft from the moon cutting through the curtains, Harry struggled to see anything at all.

The only guidance Harry had was from the gentle glow coming from the corridor, which led to the main of the entire space, so Harry slowly edged his way to the door. The years of sneaking around under the invisibility cloak were coming in useful and Harry managed to make his way with as little noise as possible.

But then Harry tripped over a piece of rogue clothing, obviously discarded hurriedly in the promise of a warm bed. He swore loudly, then swore quietly at himself for making such a commotion.

Very soon Harry was in the main common room and Harry stood still for a few moments, not knowing fully where he intended to go first. But after a minuet or two just standing near the flickering fire Harry decided to give himself a tour of the library.

The doors were almost shut, but the left door was slightly ajar letting out a dim blue streak of light.  The doors creaked noisily as Harry made his way into the library, and for a couple of seconds Harry once stood still, to check that no one was coming to investigate the source of the noise. 

When Harry had gently closed the door he turned around to finally have a closer look at he library, the entrance simply led to a stone spiral stair case, which Harry slowly walked up. His feet were almost inaudible as he stealthily ascended the stone path.

 His fingers trailed along the spines of books as he passed them, the range of books that Harry gazed upon while walking up the steps was more diverse then even the school library; From simple ones, like "How to tame the world wildest creatures" and, "History of the pure blooded families" To darker ones which seemed to be hiding among the other books; "Horcruxes: A history" and "Blood Purity, The sacred Twenty Eight" Harry's' hand jumped over these books that were luckily few and far between. But the last book caught Harry's eye particularly. So cautiously Harry slipped the thick, leather bound book out of its place, and opened the book at the first page page. His eyes skimming over the text:

An introduction

There are many pure blood families in the wizarding world, but there are few where there is absolute certainty that they have had little or no relation to muggles what so ever. These families are known as "The Sacred Twenty Eight"  There are two certain families that hold blood purity over everything else, House of Malfoy and House of Black.                    These families' ancestry goes back further than even Gringotts records can provide. As such these families are considered the purest and highest of the twenty eight.                    Marrying into one of these houses is considered a great honor, the Lestranges' being a recent example. This book will give the most in-depth history of these two closely intertwined families to date, providing information on even the treacherous traitors of the House Of Black, Sirius Black being one.  

~H.L Gaunt

Harry continued reading into Siruis' family history for a short period but found it to be just as expected, just lots of blood-prejudicing "nobles", so quickly gave up searching for anything interesting, but wanted to continue his search later so left the book on the stair. And then he continued climbing the stone stairs.

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