Chapter Fourteen - Flowers

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The Evans sisters had been utterly and truly inseparable. They did everything together and spent their nothings in each others company. One was never without the other, they were each other's best friends. Utterly and truly inseparable so they were.

Lily would let Petunia braid her hair and put pastel ribbons in it. All the while they would talk about their future together. Lily was to become an explorer, travelling the world and capturing moments with a traditional Instamatic camera which she would buy. She would have one of those funny explorer hats that you would see in books and movies, she would have a hiking stick for climbing through jungles and up mountains. She would see lions and tigers and elephants and massive tigers and snakes. "Why on earth would you ever want to see a snake" Petunia would ask time and time again. "They're not even that nice."

And Lily would reply honestly, "Because 'Tunie, I heard snakes are misunderstood. While some are just bad, some only attack because they are forced to."

The two would spend hours in local parks. Sometimes playing on the equipment but Petunia wasn't to fussed and Lily would normally rather climb trees.

Petunia would shout up to Lily where all the next best branches were while she climbed higher and higher. The older sister keeping her feet firmly on the ground but clapping her hands in support when Lily got extra high. Once the younger sister had settled on a branch comfortably, they would talk some more. Petunia would become a hairdresser for all the most famous celebrities, she would have a salon and she would set trends and live in Hollywood. She would have a big house and when Lily came to visit she would have an entire floor to herself if she wanted to, but they still would share rooms because they were sisters and that's what sisters do.

At one o'clock in the morning, when the house was asleep, fits of suppressed giggles would escape the ajar door of the Evan's sisters room. This muted chatter often passed from the late hours of one night through to the early ones of the next morning. More fantasies and dreams would be passed in those odd hours.

The two girls would talk further about their futures and what was in store for them. Petunia would have two children; first a girl and then a boy. Petunia would be able to buy clothes for her little children, she would spoil her with all the money she would have. She would be able to spoil her to no end and she would love her with all her heart. She would have a nice husband who was an actor and they would go to premiers together, where there would be a red carpet and diamond earrings.

Lily would come to visit every now and then, returning from her adventures (and her misadventures). She would share photos of Egypt, Romania, Bulgaria, Mexico and every other foreign place which the two had ever heard of, all of which sounded so foreign, and fantastic and magical. Lily would teach Petunia's little boy phrases which she had picked up on her travels, teaching him how to say things so different from anything that they had ever heard before. In strange tongues with even stranger names.

When the two travelled through London with their parents Petunia would interlock her fingers with Lily's, making sure the small ginger wouldn't get lost in the sea of people, anchoring her little sister to her family.

The two of them had an unbreakable bond, they were eternal. They were each other's shoulders to cry on, each other's source of light. They were each other's constant in whirlwind times. When in each other's conpany they were never bored, not once.

But that changed when the letter arrived.

Petunia had always loved Lily unconditionally, but buried deep was a jealousy which plagued her in her sleep and followed her when she was awake.

Petunia had dull, slightly mousey-blond hair, Lily had vibrant, fiery ginger hair which sent people's hearts alight. Petunia had grey eyes which were somewhere between grey and blue, whereas Lil had emerald green eyes, almost like jewels set in her skull. Petunia was certainly pretty, but Lily was effortlessly better. It was her younger sister who got all the off hand comments; "Oh, she's going to be so beautiful when she's older."

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