Chapter Seven - Professor Osborne

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Harry's sleep was dreamless, for once. It wasn't filled with Cedric's death, Dobby's death, Dumbledore's death or anyone else of the long list of people that had fallen because of Harry. 

So when Professor McGonagall walked into the boys dorms, he was the last and hardest to wake. The light shining through the windows as the curtains were opened didn't wake him up, a general calling for everyone to wake up, didn't stir Harry in the slightest.

Everyone had been woken from their slumber, all except Harry and McGonagall had little patience for stragglers. So gently whirling her wand round in a circle, while muttering a spell, a miniature cloud formed over Harry's head.

Harry woke up several seconds later with water drenching his head. "Bloody Hell, piss off whoever that is" Harry murmured, slowly getting dragged out of his sleep.

"Mister Potter, I do hope that you can control your tongue better when you are fully awake" McGonagall said harshly.

Recognising the woman's voice, Harry sat up instantly, apologies spilling out his mouth as he tried to explain himself, while all of the rest of the boys were struggling to contain their laughter at the situation on front of them. 

"I was going to dry your bed mister potter, with magic of course, but I think I will let you sort yourself out" She said, with a slight smile looking down at the young man whose head and upper torso was now drenched.

"Everyone, be ready in thirty minutes, there will be extra time required for the morning feast today, and I will not tolerate late comers from any year, especially Seniors." Eyeing anyone who she thought might fall under that category. 

"And everyone, as you will all be aware of, you have not been sent school timetables. All with be clear after breakfast, where you will all wait behind for further information." She said, addressing all of the boys before strutting out of the room. Presumable to tell the girls the exact same thing.

As soon as everyone was sure that the teacher had left, a mad scramble had started with everyone wanting to be ready in time.  There was a new set of robes that were laid out on everyone's beds, there was no indication of which house the owner of the set of robes belonged to. 

Harry looked down at his new robes as he got out of bed, and realised that they bore a significant resemblance to those of Professor Snape. And while Harry knew he could wallow in pity, easily, for hours. He also knew that he didn't have much time.

So Harry picked his robes up, collected a pair of trousers from his already stocked wardrobe full of he clothes he brought with him (Courtesy of the house elves of Hogwarts) and went to have a shower.

As he quickly located his, which he knew was his as initials were elegantly carved into each door, he passed Dean Thomas. Harry purposely barged past Dean as he was walking to his allocated bathroom, and Dean turned right round, eyeing Harry dangerously.

"Have you got a problem Harry?" He asked, with venom in his voice. Harry knew that the war had changed everyone, but he didn't know that it affected Dean like this, the person which had existed just a year previous was gone.

"Oh, I don't know. Give us a guess!" Harry replied, angry sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Well If it's 'cause of Ginny, it's not my fault you couldn't keep her satisfied" Dean fired back, looking almost crazy.

"Why couldn't you keep your hands to yourself? Get your own girlfriend?"

"Because Harry, my mum died for you! And if I cant keep those who I love, Neither can you!" Dean said, concluding the conversation by storming into his bathroom, the noise of the door being slammed catching everyone's attention.

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