118-Going public

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Niall- Ever since you and Niall became friends you were in the public eye. In the beginning you were friends and every reporter there was, was putting you two together. Neither of you confirmed or denied the rumors. The boys and management knew you two were together, but you needed to wait and go public at the right time. During an interview Niall slipped up and exposed your relationship. Causing not on you and the fans shock, but management as well. "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to say that. It just came out." he said. "Niall, it's fine. I've been waiting this whole time to finally tell people." you reassured him. He smiled, leaning in for a kiss.

Liam- The moment you guys started talking about dating was the moment tabloids and articles starting making you two a couple. It was article after article being posted. Even though you were dating, neither of you wanted to be public that fast. What if it didn't last long? as bad as that sounds, that's what you thought about. During interviews Liam didn't go public. He knew it wasn't the right time to do so. After a couple of months the rumors died down. People forgot about how you two were linked together. Then there was a new rumor. That Liam was dating another girl. You knew it wasn't true but it rubbed you the wrong way. You finally told Liam that it was time to tell. You didn't care about the articles anymore, You just wanted to make sure that everyone knew that Liam was yours and you were Liam's.

Louis- You weren't worried about it and neither was he. You weren't that kind of person to really care about how people think. Or what people think they know about you. To be honest Louis and you both were tired of going to management's rules. Why did you have to wait to tell people. Why did you have to act like nothing was going on between you guys, when a picture because public. Why did it matter if you and Louis were dating? And that's why he told. He didn't care and he didn't even tell you he was going to do it. Not like you care anyway. He got on twitter and told the world who he loves... you! 

Zayn- You didn't think anything of it really. Neither one of you actually went to the public and said "We're dating.". It just kinda happened, you know? Public started seeing you out together more often and made rumors. The people closest to you knew and those are the people you told. You didn't have to go out and say yes im dating him/her. You just dated; you both went on with your lives, not having to prove that you two are together. Not proving that you to are in love, because you dont have to prove any of your feelings to them. Both of your feelings show without having to say anything.

Harry- It didn't bother you so much. Yeah you were a little worried about the hate, but you didn't think about it. Maybe you will get hate here and there, but it wont be to bad, right? Well that's why harry was scared. He didn't want to go public, not because he didn't want to show you around. God knows he wants to show you off to everybody.. its just that he knows how the hate is, he knows how bad it gets, unlike you. And he doesn't want to to feel that way; he didn't want you to witness it. After a while you were sick of hiding. You told Harry what you were going to do and before he could stop you it was too late. It was all over twitter and all over internet that you and Harry Styles were dating.

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