Chapter 1

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Hey Guys :) This is my first story my friend is co-writing with me, and we wanted to see if any of you guys would like it :P

Please comment and vote xx

Autumn’s POV


I met up with the woman who owned the flat that I was renting out at a café.  She looked to be in her late thirties, her dirty blonde hair was up in a sophisticated bun and she wore a pair of red glasses.  She was wearing a pencil skirt, a blazer, and a smug look.  I felt under dressed and overly intimidated compared to the woman who would bome my new landlord.  I shook her hand before sitting down and giving her the first month’s rent with some of the money I saved up.  Which almost amounted to 1500 pounds; nearly half my money.  She asked me several questions - which I answered nervously - before handing me the keys to the flat and a small note with the address and apartment number written on it.  After she left, I exhaled deeply, bowing my head onto the cool wood of the café table. Well wasn’t that just great?

Finding a taxi was much harder than I had thought it to be.  They weren't the typical mustard color like in America. And when I had found one, the man’s accent was so strong that trying to understand what he was saying was difficult.  When I handed him the small paper, he seemed to know where the place was and soon enough, he pulled up to a quaint apartment building a couple minutes from the University College of London.  It was built from bricks, spiraling vines crawling up the front. I gave the driver some notes, definitely more than the ride had costed, and a small smile before closing the taxi door behind me and jogged up the stairs, carrying my luggage.  I used my key to unlock the door, entering the apartment.  The walls were an ivory color and most of the flooring in the room was a light mahogany color except for the kitchen, which had black and white tile.  The room was mostly barren excluding the expensive looking kitchen appliances.  I dropped my luggage at the front door and strolled to my bedroom seeing baby blue colored walls and fluffy white carpeting.  The bad part was, there wasn’t any furniture.  I guess I’m going to have to sleep on the floor until I can pick some up.

After I ate some pizza that I ordered, I settled down on the floor using two blankets, a pillow that I brought from home, a Winnie the Pooh plush toy, and the eye mask from the plane before attempting to go to sleep.

Harry’s POV


“Are you kidding me?”  I questioned, watching my father pace in front of me.  His armour was a shiny, golden colour as it reflected beams of bright light.  I sat on my father’s throne that rested in the ‘U’ formation, my feet propped up on the arm of it.

“No, I am not kidding you-,” he made air quotes with his middle and forefinger before pushing my feet off the chair. “- and keep your feet off my throne.”

“I don’t have to do it, right? It’s not set in stone?”  I queried, standing up and walking towards my father.  He paused, staring down at me with a look of harsh scrutiny.

“Yes, you have to do it.  You spend so much time fraternizing with the humans anyway, you should be the best judge of character, Harold,”  he assumed, his golden eyes boring into mine.  “Besides, It is already settled so there’s no turning back.   Zeus and all the other Gods are depending on you.  I’m depending on you.  You mustn't screw this up.”  I glared up at my father, shaking my head.

“That’s not fair,” I stated roughly, my tone hostile.

“Life isn’t fair.” he replied, strolling towards his throne and plopping down onto it.  I stared at the ground, the clouds moving below my feet; a beautiful eccentricity that I had only just gotten used to.  My father was getting on my last nerve.  It wasn’t like I cared about what Zeus wanted me to do. I wasn’t his son and therefore, he had no rule over what I did or didn’t do.

I scoffed, raising my eyebrows, “Like you’d know. You’re a god who’s lived for an eternity. So you’re the last person who could say such a thing… I don’t want to be the one to make this decision because is there really a reason to do so? The humans make mistakes, but so do you. Asking me to determine their fate is probably the dumbest thing Zeus has ever asked of me. The answer is obvious.”

My father glowered at me, his grip on the arms’ of his throne tightening. “Prove it then.  If you believe the humans to be worthy then prove your point.  Not only to me, but to my father, and to all the other Gods.  You have a year.  I don’t want to see you here again.  Everything shall progress as normal.  Goodbye and good luck, Harold.”  Apollo stood, picking up Harry’s hand and dropping five golden drachmas into it. He patted him on the back before disappearing with a bright flash.

Harry groaned, kicking his father’s and Zeus’ throne before leaving himself.

The Boarder || Harry StylesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя