Chapter 3

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Autumn’s POV

After art class had ended, I took my time cleaning up my work.  I didn’t have any other classes on Wednesday, so there wasn’t much of a need to rush.  Ridding my hands of pastel residue, I watched as the last of my class left before leaving myself.  As I ambled out the door, I felt my heart jump as I bump into someone’s chest and fell to the floor.  God, I was so clumsy.

“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going, I-”

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” A quiet chuckle escaped the boy’s lips, a seemingly familiar voice ringing through my ears.  I looked up to see Harry with a small smile on his face.  My cheeks instantly reddened, causing him to laughing even more.

“You’re blushing,” he stated the obvious as he ran a hand through his hair and brought his fisted hand up to cough on; something that seemed like a habit.  He offered me his hand and I took it graciously as he effortlessly hauled me off the linoleum.  I nodded slowly at him and grabbed my bag off the floor.  

“Sorry… and thanks,” I replied as I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

“Anytime,” he shot me a smile then sauntered down the corridor.  My mind traveled to the two unidentifiable tattoos that sat just below either collarbone.  I noticed them when he bent over to grab my hand, his shirt slouching as a small cross necklace dangled. I inhaled deeply before going down the opposite hall.


Since it had stopped raining, I decided to take a walk around London and maybe go shopping for a warmer coat and some groceries, considering the fact that it wasn’t acceptable to have pizza all the time.  And I had had pizza or take out every day that I had been here.

I might as well try to find  job… or two.

I took the underground, buying a subway card since I wasn’t sure when I’d use it next. As I squirmed through a crowd of people, I spotted a seat and sat down thankfully. As I tried to catch my breath, I watched as a man who looked around thirty take the seat next to mine.  To say the least, he was handsome, but I didn’t really care about looks.  He wore a black suit, his tie unraveled on the ivory shirt under it, a pair of slate colored oxfords, and his brunette hair was styled nicely on his head. He seemed like the successful type.

He turned his attention towards me, with a smile that traveled from one ear to the other. I turned away, concentrating on something else besides him. Fumbling in my pocket, I pulled out my headphones and plugged them in, watching the flash of neutral colors out of the subway window for the next couple of minutes. I listened to nothing.

The man beside me cleared his throat, lifting his leg over the other and placing his hands in his lap. “So… what’s your name?”

I glimpsed up at the man, plucking out one of my headphones. “Sorry, Sir, but I don’t really talk to strangers,” I said softly, reaching to put my headphone back in.

“My name’s Aaron,” he proclaimed. He reached out his right hand and I shook it timidly. Keeping hold of my hand, he lifted it up to his lips, placing a soft peck on the back of it before releasing reluctantly.  I felt my cheeks flush as brought my hands to lap, playing with seam on the leg of my overalls.  His hand inching closer towards my thigh as he grinned.  The way he was acting was starting to creep me out and make me feel uncomfortable, but I’d feel rude if I spoke and said something to him.

“Since I’ve introduced myself, I’d say we’re not strangers anymore. Nice to meet you...”  He trailed off, expecting me to fill in the blank. I scooted over, crossing my legs in attempt to move farther away from his roaming hand.

"Sorry, I-," At that time, the subway creaked and squealed, coming to a nosy hault and I made sure to be one of the first to escape the underground.

I wandered the around, searching for the Harrod’s building, until I saw him.  Harry.  He is quite gorgeous, isn’t he?  Autumn what are you talking about?! You don’t even know him!  I had a feeling that was going to get used to holding conversations with myself as long as Harry was around. He had changed his clothing since early that day. He wore a plain white shirt with a suede dark brown coat covering him to keep warm in the cold weather, a pair of familiar black jeans with slits on the knees pratically suffocated his legs, and a pair of chestnut colored boots with a small heel adorned his feet. I tried my best to walk past him in the crowd.

“Ah, the girl from art class. We meet again," he called, raising his voice over the sound of those who passed by.  I had obviously jinxed myself as he strolled towards me, maneuvering through the rush of people.

“Yeah, uh… hi,” I shyly responded with a small wave of my hand.

“So what are you doing at this time a day?” he asked, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets.

Getting away from some odd man on the subway. “Oh, nothing, I’m just doing some shopping,” I shot back a small smile.  A brush of wind blew past us, rustling through Harry’s hair.

Harry rose an eyebrow, staring down at me. “You don’t look like one to enjoy shopping.”

“Well... guess I’m not breaking the stereotype then…." I responded with a shrug of my shoulders. "I couldn’t say the same for you though with that high end coat of yours.” I blurted, instantly feeling bad. I wasn't sure why I sounded so confident, I definitely didn't feel that way. I felt the need to apologize for coming off so rude. He eyed me before nodding his head slowly.

“Touché... I ought to be going… I’ve got to get back to campus,” without another word, he turned away from me, hands still in pockets, and disappeared into the haste of people.


I hadn’t spent a lot of time in Harrod’s. I bought a simple navy blue parka with olive colored sleeves and hauled a taxi to Tesco to buy a couple of groceries to stock my barren refrigerator.  When I arrived home, several large boxes rested against the wall beside my door.  My furniture had been delivered. I sighed, unlocking my door with difficulty before setting the bags of groceries in the kitchen. I ran my hand over my forehead, inhaling deeply before dragging the burdensome packages into my flat.  I dropped the last box, kicking it in frustration. I just wanted to sleep - preferably on a bed - and if I wanted that, I’d have to put it together.  I’ll set everything else up tomorrow.

I spent good an hour and a half struggling to construct the stupid pieces of wood that would make up my bed frame before nearly crushing myself with the queen sized mattress. But I finally finished it.

I hadn’t found a job and I was utterly exhausted, to the point that I felt as if I could pass out. Deciding to take a break, I jumped in the shower removing the feeling of sweat that covered my skin.  After I had gotten out of the bathroom, I went to kitchen to grab a snack before heading off to bed.  From the corner of my eye, I saw a manilla folder sitting there untouched and unopened.

I’d completely forgotten about it.  Before heading into the airport to catch my plane, my parents had given me a letter telling me to open it once I landed in London, but I’d just never got to it and to say the least, it completely slipped my mind.  Without hesitation, I grabbed the envelope and opened it quickly.  Eager to know what’s inside, I pulled it out noticing bills.  My eyes widened as I counted over and over.

Four thousand pounds.

“You’ve got to be kidding me…” I mumbled aloud.  I peeked back into the envelope, pulling out a note.

Dear Autumn,

Your father and I are so proud of you.  You’ve worked so hard and to help you out, here’s a little something. Enjoy London, honey.  And don’t forget to call!  We’ll miss you much while you’re gone! 


Mom and Dad xx

P.S. It’s already in pounds. You’re welcome! :)

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