Chapter 7

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Autumn’s POV

My mind was fuzzy, the last remnants of a dream being chased away by the realisation that I was awake again.  It was a nice dream - wonderful, laying under the night sky, watching a meteor shower, something I’d never seen before. I feel a weighty pressure thrown over my back, thinking nothing of it, until I realized I didn’t live with anyone else.  Looking over lazily, I could feel a small gust of air hitting my face. Harry.

Wait, why am I in his dorm?

Until I remembered last night.  I guess I just crashed on his bed without realizing I had to go back to my apartment. Looking around, I tried to find a clock anywhere, since I was sure we had mythology class today - and that we probably missed it.


“Shit, shit, shit,” I muttered under my breath, attempting to get off the bed but ended up tripping on Harry due to the tiny space.

“Zeus!” I heard him shout, rubbing his eyes harshly. I narrowed my eyes before picking up a pillow and smacking him in the stomach.

He let out a long groan, scarcely opening his eyes. “What the hell was that for?”

“We missed mythology, and my Lit class just ended,” I rattled off, “And… why am I wearing your boxers?” I asked curiously, emphasizing the last words with several swings of the pillow.

“Remember, you fell on your ass in the mud last night and I laughed at you,” His voice was an almost incomprehensible rasp that made him sound edgey, his eyes somewhat puffy as he blocked the hits with his forearm.

I paused mid hit, slumping, “Right.” I picked up a pair of black hole-in-the-knee jeans, most likely one of Harry’s most owned possessions besides his assortment of flannels and tees, checking to see if they were clean. “Mind if I borrow these for the day?” the question came out as more of a statement as I walked to the connected bathroom, slipping them on.

“Don’t forget about the Halloween party tonight at eight thirty. It’s at one of the fraternities,” Harry reminded, exhaustion roughening his voice. I twisted the doorknob, pulling it slightly.

“You couldn’t have told me earlier?” I questioned.

He shrugged one shoulder nonchalantly, “I forgot about it, but you’ll be there right? I’ll text you the address.” There was a still a strong sense of sleepiness laced in his tone.



I knocked on the wooden door, waiting patiently for a reply.

“Come in,” the voice called out, muted by the door. I opened it slowly, propping my head in.  Seeing him sitting at his desk, as I finally walk in.

Mr. Malik set down the papers he had been thumbing through, slipping his thick framed glasses up the bridge of his nose.

“Ah, Ms. Rue,” he said, gesturing towards a desk that was placed closer to the front.  I sat down, crossing my legs and placing my bag down on the floor next to me.

“I’m really sorry that I missed class today.  I'm not going to lie, I slept in late.  So I'm here to hand in Harry and I’s homework" I explained, pulling the report out my bag, reaching over to set it on Mr. Malik’s desk.

"As long as you catch up, don't worry.  Just try not to let it happen again because we'll be taking very important notes up until winter holiday.” Mr. Malik rose from his chair, pacing whilst tapping his lightly stubbled chin with one of his red inked grading pens. “Oh, don't forget to pass on the homework to Harry as well," he shot me a knowing look.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2014 ⏰

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