Between Two

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Moving half way around the world isnt what I wanted for my sophmore year. Only in my second year of highschool, I just got comfortable at my old school; but now I have to start all over again. New school halls to learn, new people to meet, new dance team to take out for. Its a lot of pressure that I dont want or need. Isnt this supose to be the years I remember the most? The ones where I find out who I really am? How can I do that when the people around me dont even know who I am? Worst part is I literally dont know anybody. My parents got a divorce and shipped me off to live with my Aunt who've I have never met. They say that its for my own good, that they dont want me in the middle of their problems. Thats all lies, I've never been close to my parents, I think this was just an excuse to ship me away. They probably arent even getting a real divorce.

     So here I am, walking up with my backpack and and two boxes that are full of my enitre 16 years of existence. I make my way up to the house I will be living in. It huge and is a light blue gray color. The lawn is well taken care of and is a decent size. It looks like around in the black yard are woods and maybe a pool. Before I can acess farther the door opens and a tall, skinny pale lady with dark brown hair styled in a pixie cut, greets me.

"You must be Farrah. Its so good to finally meet you dear." She smiles

"You must be my Aunt Mags right?" I ask.

"Well come on in dear, you must be exhausted" she rushes me in.

"This will be your room, feel free to make yourself at home, and go ahead and get some rest, you have school in the morning." she smiles wishing me a goodnight.

    The house is classic and modern on the inside, but my room is massive. I have a walk in closet, a king size bed, and a white desk looking out a window into the backyard, which does have a pool. I have a small balcony facing out of the size of the house.

     I begin to unpack my couple of boxes and my backpack. I pick out an outfit for school tomorrow and fill my backpack with a notebook and a couple of pencils. I pick a light mint green dress that falls a little above my knees. I pair it with my lace white toms shoes and light blue jean jacket. I lay my outfit out on my dresser and get changed into my PJs. I open my door to say goodnight to my Aunt but she tucked away in her room.

I sigh. Looks like I'll have a lot of freedom here.

I pull back my covers to my oversized bed and close my eyes, sleep instantly taking over me.

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