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You walked down the street of town with you thumbs in your pockets. You just needed to get home, you didn't want any trouble, just to get home. But in this town, all there is is trouble. Night started to consume the sky and the sun became almost invisible. "Damn." You said under your breath as the last bit of light and color drained from the sky.

It was night now, and that means that the streets are no longer safe--especially for a greaser girl like you. Sure enough, before you could make it out of town and back on West side turf, you realized you were being trailed. You glanced over your shoulder at the red Mustang that was going a little too slow for comfort. You walked a little faster and debated on making a run for it, but you knew if you ran it would be no good. You remember someone saying that the worst feeling in the world is knowing you're about to get jumped, and you realized now that it was true. You sniffed and kept your head down hoping maybe they would pass you by. 

Needless to say they didn't. The car pulled up next to you and you listened as they rolled down the windows. You couldn't find the courage to look up at them. "Hey-a hunny, wanna come take a ride?" One yelled out the window as the two others in the car laughed.

You kept my pace, walking steadily. You weren't too worried until they pulled up in front of you. You stopped and looked around. Your were on the edge of town, out of the lines of shops.  You stumbled backwards foolishly, and turned to walk the other way. You don't know what you expected, but one of them jogged up in front of you. "Where ya going sweetheart?" He asked with a sickly smile on his face. 

You could smell the alcohol on him. You shivered as he stepped towards you. You took a step back and realized that the other two had walked up right behind you. They were in a tight circle around you. Fear rang through your body as you frantically looked around at their drunk faces and eyes that showed no emotion. "You're pretty." One slurred as he touched your hair.

"Don't touch me!" You pulled away.

"Feisty, I like you." One wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close.

"Hey leave her alone!" Someone yelled from outside the circle.

The guy who had his arms around you looked up. You looked over to the person also. It was a greaser guy. You had seen him around town hanging out with a couple other greaser guys. His hair was dark and a little messy. His eyes were stern and a hint demeaning. He stood coolly with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and his thumbs in his pockets. He wore and black shirt that was tight in his arms due to his muscles. He had on blue jeans that were folded at the bottom, and black shoes.

"Who the hell are you?!" The one with his arms around you yelled to him

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"Who the hell are you?!" The one with his arms around you yelled to him. 

"Man that's Dallas Winston." One whispered to him.

The guy unwrapped his hands from around you slowly. You've heard of Dallas Winston before. He's really tuff, really cool, and from what you've gathered, really attractive. "Why don't you guys go crawl  back into the big house your daddy bought for you." He took a drag on his smoke, then threw it on the ground.

Dallas stepped on it as he walked towards the group. "Hey man you stay back." One of them warned. 

Dallas kept walking. "You take one more step and I cut her!" You heard the familiar sound of a switchblade come from one of the socs standing next to you. 

He grabbed onto you tighter and held the blade to your neck. Dallas stopped and his eyes flicked to you with a hint of fear. His complexion stayed cool, though. "No need for any blood, just get outta here." Dallas said with a stone face.

"Oh we'll get outta here, but were taking her with us." He said, pushing you over towards the car.

"Oh hell no!" You yelled. You pushed him off of you and in his shock, you grabbed his switch. "Scram rich boys!"  You're voice strong and commanding

The soc's face stayed surprised as he motioned with a flick of his fingers for them to go back to his car. They slowly walked back to his car and got in. "Shit man, she ain't worth it." One hissed as they slammed the doors of the car.

Dallas started to chuckle as you watched them drive away. You turned to him and he approached you. He started to clap with an impressed face. "Well done doll." He smiled stopping in front of you. 

His eyes gleamed under the street lights, and as much as you wanted to engage, you still had to get home. "My names y/n," You closed the switchblade and shoved it into his hands. "not doll."

You started to walk away, making your way back to your house. You listened as his footsteps followed you. You were secretly glad he was pursuing you. "Hey where ya going?" He asked jogging up beside you. "I saved you back there, the least I could get was a thank you." You glanced at his and his smile was wide and amused. 

You stopped and turned to him, a little amused yourself. "Thanks... But you didn't do much. I was the one who got the knife and made him leave, all you did was get the knife closer to my neck." You smiled. 

The corners of his mouth turned up into a smirk and he shrugged foolishly. You giggled and started to walk again. He sped walked next to you. "Where ya going?" 


He stumbled for words as he tried to keep up with your fast pace. "Can I take you out sometime y/n?" 

You slowed your pace a little, nothing noticable, but just so he could keep up. You were intrigued, but you've been hurt before by greaser guys like him. "I don't know Dallas..."

"How do you know my name?" He asked.

You felt your face go a little red, and you glanced at him from the side of your eyes. "I-I just, t-they said it an-" You stumbled for words.

"Dally." He spoke with a soft smile.

"What?" You turned to him, still a little flustered from your stuttering. 

"You can call me Dally. My friends call me Dally." 

"Well, Dally.." You trailed off in train of thought, wondering if you should take a chance with him. 

You turned onto your street and approached your house, still with him on your tail. You reached your front porch and you turned to tell him that you just weren't ready to go steady with anyone right now. Before you  could speak, he took your hands in his. "I think you're real cute." He said with a gentle smile. "I'm gonna take you out for a Coke on Friday, so be ready." He turned and walked away before you could say anything.  As he walked, he turned back with a goofy smile that you've never really seen a greaser smile like. "I'll pick you up at eight, doll!"

"My names y/n!" You yelled back, getting a laugh from him.

When he was out of view, you walked inside and slide down against the door, smiling. God you were so glad he is so relentless. 

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