The fight--Ponyboy/Dallas (Requested by DestinyStackhouse66)

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You've grown up around the gang, they've been your best friends since grade school. Recently, though, you've noticed some of the boys have been looking at you different. You've noticed Dally eyeing you in the corner of your eyes. Same with Ponyboy. They don't look at you like they used to. They used to look at you like one of the guys. Like someone to play ball with and shoplift gasoline stations with. Like a little sister. But now they look at you like.... Like a girl.

Dally intrigues you. He's older, tuff, strong. You've gotten to know him pretty well over the years, learned what makes him tick, what makes him the way he is. He's also not too hard on the eyes. You've had some moments together that lets you see right through his façade. It was hard, and time consuming, but you made him open up to you. Of course he was drunk, but it still happened.

Ponyboy is your age, and he understands you, better than anyone

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Ponyboy is your age, and he understands you, better than anyone. You can talk to him easy, and never get nervous around him. He makes you think, and makes you wonder. He's cute and dreamy and always knows what to say. When you're with him, you feel like everything just makes sense. He's smart and kind and caring.

You try and hide your feelings for the two of them, but occasionally, they tend to come out in a moment of weakness

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You try and hide your feelings for the two of them, but occasionally, they tend to come out in a moment of weakness. Last night made things even more complicated. You had decided to tell Ponyboy that you wanted to go steady, but Dally asked if you wanted to go to a party. You accepted, thinking the rest of the gang would be there also. When you got there, you two danced and had lots of fun—Without the gang. Usually, he acts too cool to dance, but after a few shots he was open to it. At the end of the night, you two sat alone at the end of an old doc and stared at the sky. He was antsy and wanted to go out and do something, but after you pushed for you guys to stay, he gave in and watched the sky with you.

You two began to talk about growing up and share memories of hot summer days you spent together years ago. You turned to him and he turned to you, your faces inches from each other's. You thought you were about to kiss when the doc gave way, spilling you both into the water. You both laughed and decided to get home before either of you got a cold. That was the end of that.

You thought you knew what you wanted then, but the next day you found yourself watching the sunset with Pony on the back steps.

You glanced at him from the sides of your eyes and saw his soft face illuminated with orange and pink light. Your heart flurried and for a moment you forgot about the lake and the party and the doc, and only saw beautiful Ponyboy Curtis in front of you.

As you sat on the back steps, staring at the color shifting sky, you made a list in your head.













-Street smart





You smirked to yourself at the ridiculous list in your head. But you only needed to look at Pony once more. His eyes gleamed with hope and light and happiness. His face kind and handsome. He smiled brightly at you and made your heart stop. Ponyboy, you pick Ponyboy. Dallas was just too unpredictable. You needed stability in your life right now, and Ponyboy gave you that.

You swallowed hard and blinked. Your eyes shot up to the heavens. "That sunset's sure pretty." You muttered.

"Just like you." Pony said softly.

You looked to him with a fluttering heart and bright eyes. He smiled softly and you became enveloped in his green eyes that reflected pink and yellow streaks from the disappearing sun. You didn't even realize that you two were getting gradually closer and closer. Soon, your lips touched and fireworks exploded in your body. All the years of romantic suspense breaking and releasing into our kiss. His hands moved to the back of your neck and pulled you forward. You obliged naturally. His lips soft and passionate against yours, you never wanted the kiss to end.

Suddenly, you heard the screen door behind you creak open. You broke the kiss and swung your head back to see Dally standing in the soft light from the porch light with wide, sorrowful eyes. You hadn't realized how dark it had gotten, the kiss had consumed you so. Then something unexpected happened. The sorrow and sadness in Dally's eyes turned into anger and hate. "You son of a-" He growled and charged at Pony.

Ponyboy stood and took a step back just to be knocked to the ground with Dallas on top of him. "Darry!" You screamed, knowing you couldn't break them up yourself.

Dally punched Pony, making his nose bleed. Pony struggled under the older boy, but as Dally threw his fist back for another punch, Pony flipped him over, now on top. "Calm down Dallas!" He yelled.

Dally got one of his hands free and hit Pony again. Pony punched back. "Stop it guys!" You yelled

Expectantly, they didn't stop. Pony hit Dally again, then Dally pushed him off and got up, Pony still on the ground. Dally kicked him in the side. You ran up to Dally and punched his arm. "Stop it Dallas! Stop it!" You screamed.

Suddenly, before Dally could kick Pony again, Darry came running out of the back door, pushing Dally. Dally stumbled back, but kept his balance. "What the hell Dallas?!" Darry yelled.

Dally took some steps back and I realized there were tears staining his cheeks. He kept his eyes locked on you for a while, looking like a deer in headlights. "I-I-" He stuttered.

You couldn't help but feel guilty that you chose Pony, but that was your decision, and Dally attacking Pony proved your point—You needed stability and predictability, and Dallas wasn't those. "I have to go." He croaked, then hopped the fence into a sprint.

You blinked hard, then looked to Ponyboy who was pushing himself off the ground. "You okay?" You asked.

He flashed you a smirk. "It's gonna take more than a jealous Dallas Winston to hurt me." He chuckled.

You smiled slightly and Pony pulled you close. He pecked you on the lips, but his eyes were somewhere else. You turned to see Darry wide eyed with confusion and surprise. "You two gotta lot of explaining to do." 


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