Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Feeding Time

• Castle's POV •

I watched as Beckett played with Jack, who was sitting on the kitchen counter, kicking his feet and flailing his arms. He gripped Kate's index fingers and she poked his face with his own hands. He laughed the purest and sweetest laughs a baby could have. Beckett smiled at him and he smiled back.

I stood against the stair rail and smiled, chuckling once in a while at Jack's reaction to Beckett's face appearing through her hands as she said "Peek-a-boo!" Suddenly Beckett stopped and stared at me. I had been so focused on her and the baby when she did this, I couldn't render a comment until I had realized she had stopped playing.

"I think its your turn to feed him." She said to me. Jack was now six months old so he could eat baby food. I straightened up, went over to the cupboard, and grabbed a can of baby food. I set it on the counter and picked up Jack, setting him in the high chair.

I picked up the can of creamed peas and unscrewed the lid while Beckett went to the drawer and grabbed a baby spoon, handing it to me as she walked back to the chair next to mine. I scooped out a spoonful of the lumpy green paste and motioned the spoon towards Jack's mouth. He pursed his lips, signaling he obviously didn't want it in his mouth.

"Maybe he wants to feed himself." Beckett suggested. I nodded and set the food and spoon on the tray. He looked at it for a second then picked up the spoon and plunged it into the can, scooping out a spoonful and flinging across the room. Unfortunately, it landed on my face. Beckett giggled and smiled at Jack, who laughed. I wiped the chunky baby food off my face and pointed at Kate.

"Do not laugh!" I ordered. She grinned from ear to ear and said "Im not laughing!" Pointing to her face. I went to the kitchen and got a wet rag to wipe the rest of the baby food off my face. Our son sure does take after his father.

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