Chapter 04 | I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend

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Chapter 04 | I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend

"That's life. If nothing else, it's life. It's real, and sometimes it hurts, but it's sort of all we have." ― Garden State

"What're you even doing here? No one even likes you, you know," Aspen irritably snaps the following morning at school at Jason as the two of them, along with Piper, Sienna and myself are all standing in the school parking lot together, near where we've all parked our cars.

This is usually what we do in the mornings, just stand around in the parking lot and talk until the bell rings for us to go inside the building. I mean, Jason usually isn't with us, seeing as how he no longer lives in the town, but since he's here for a little while, he's with us today, being that he's my and Sienna's friend and Piper's boyfriend. Like I was saying though, this is what we usually do in the mornings, provided it's not one of those mornings that I oversleep and have to rush to get to school on time, which happens about 2 out of 5 days. I know that the only reason why I'm always oversleeping is because of the fact that I stay up and watch Netflix at ungodly hours of the night. It sure does beat the heck out of going to sleep though, that's for sure.

Ever since last fall, when the stuff with Flynn and everything else went down, I've been having some brutally intense on-again-off-again nightmares. If you can even call them nightmares. I'd like to think that they're more like, really vivid memories of what happened that night and the subsequent nights. My simple solution is to just stay away for as long as I possibly can at night because the way I see it, I can't have nightmares if I'm not sleeping and having to rush to school in exchange for not having to basically re-live the worst week of my life in my waves of unconsciousness makes it totally worth it. I've told Dr. Fontana about them, the nightmares / (repressed?) memories, a few times, actually, but he's convinced that they'll "go away, in due time," whatever that even means.

"I like him," Piper chimes, coming to her boyfriend's defense, wrapping her arm around his midsection and lays her head against his chest.

"So do I," Sienna chirps in agreement, absentmindedly raking her fingers through her long brunette hair as she applies some light mascara.

"Me too," I advocate, laughing at the annoyed look on Aspen's face and the humorous look on Jason's face. She and Jason really don't like each other like, at all, in case you can't tell. I mean, I'm sure you can because the tension between the two of them is always thick enough to cut with a knife. A butter knife, at that. The thing with the two of them is kinda complicated. They don't really hate one another for just the sake of it; there is a legitimate reason and even though it's sort of really dumb, it's the reason for the bad blood between the two of them.

You see, this year, Sienna, Aspen, Piper, Jason, Beckett, Tommy and I all went to Seaside, Florida for Spring Break. Beckett and Tommy are all roughly the same age. While we weren't too keen on spending an entire week with the guys, it was the only way any of our parents would let us go. Jason, Piper, Sienna, Aspen and I are all minors too, so that was another reason that the guys had to come along, so that we wouldn't get into any trouble or anything like that. I mean, I'm sure Jason was happy to have the male companionship or whatever.

So, on our first night there, we got invited to this bonfire thing on one of the beaches in Daytona, which is where we were staying in Jason's aunt's beach house. All seven of us went and since Beckett and Tommy were and still are probably the most irresponsible adults to ever walk the face of this planet, they didn't do such a great job of chaperoning us, meaning they didn't really care if we went home with any of the random guys (or, in Jason's case, girls) or got drunk or high or anything. In fact, Tommy, being the stoner he is, welcomed the latter.

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