Chapter 08 | You're Gonna Marry That Boy

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Chapter 08 | You're Gonna Marry That Boy

“Sometimes the people we meet in life change us forever.” ― Forces of Nature

“How’s your brother?” I ask Graham on Monday morning as we head up the stairs of the school building together.

“Well, he’ll live,” Graham says with a small sigh. Once we reach the top of the stairs, he pulls open one of the doors and gestures for me to go in first, which I do.

“So, did you get to bring him home this morning or last night or something?” I query, glancing over at him briefly as we walk down the crowded hallway side-by-side.

“Nope,” Graham denies, shaking his head. “The doctor said that he had to stay all night for some kind of stupid overnight observation or something like that,” He explains. “As soon as school gets out though, I’m gonna go over there and hopefully he’ll tell me that nothing too serious is wrong and I’ll be able to bring him home,” Graham adds. “Are you gonna be there?”

“I’m off today,” I reply in the negative, shaking my head. “If it’s any consolation, Dr. Crane is great at his job- I’m sure he’ll be fine,” I tell him, trying to remain optimistic for his benefit.

Yesterday, which was Sunday, Graham’s younger brother, Jackson, had an accident. I don’t really know the precise details of what exactly happened to him, to Jackson, I mean, because I didn’t ask Graham about it. I mean, I was obviously curious but I just didn’t feel like it was my place to ask him and because it wasn’t really any of my business at all. I was at work yesterday though, when Graham brought his little brother in, who was unconscious at the time, which is kind of a tell-tale sign that something bad obviously happened to him. Not to mention the fact that Graham was really frantic and panicked about the entire ordeal, so I knew that asking him would’ve only further his irritation. I tried to calm him down, because he was really starting to freak me out (and probably everyone else who was in the waiting room too) with how the doctors weren’t telling him anything about his brother, but it didn’t work.

St. David’s is the name of it, the hospital that I work at and it’s a really easy job, which is why I’ve been able to hold on to it for about a year now. All I really ever do is sit behind a desk-table thing with a computer and collect people’s health insurance information and stuff like that whenever they come in. Then I page a nurse on this really cool pager thing that they gave me and that nurse comes to bring the person back to examine their injuries or whatever.

Unless it’s a really critical emergency, like a gunshot or stab wound or something seriously life-threatening like that, then they just immediately get to go back into the emergency room to get treatment and the rest of the stuff gets handled later. There are two other girls who’re about my age or maybe a bit older- Dakota and Lydia- who do the same thing that I do and we usually work the same shifts, meaning we’re there at the same time and that makes the job so much more easier than it already is.

Anyway though, seeing as how Graham was toting around an unconscious five year old child, he obviously didn’t have to wait and do all of the insurance stuff first. It was pretty later, around like, 10 p.m. when Graham brought Jackson in and my shift was just about to end. I ended up staying there with him though while he waited to get word on his brother, because I thought that that was a pretty nice and semi-friendly thing for me to do. We just kind of awkwardly sat together in the waiting room where there were about four small families and we talked a little bit but not that much and that was about it. I wasn’t actually intending on staying the entire night there with him, of course, because my mother would have actually killed me in my sleep, I think.

I just wanted to stay with him long enough for him to find out that his brother was going to be alright because knowing that would have given him a peace of mind and probably made him clam down a lot. But at around 11:45, I got a really angry call from my mother, who demanded that I came home that instant, so I obviously had to go. When I got home, I busied myself by doing some homework and watching Netflix. At around 12:30, I called Graham to see if he’d found anything out but he said that he was still waiting, which was just kind of ridiculous to me. The doctors at St. David’s aren’t the speediest people around though, so if I ever get hit by a car or anything, I desperately hope that I’m not taken there because I’ll probably just die waiting on them to fix me.

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