Chapter 15 | Hurricanes Are Named After People

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Chapter 15 | Hurricanes Are Named After People

“From the moment I met you, not a day has gone by when I haven’t thought of you.” ― Attack of the Clones

“Please?” I ask Dr. Watson the following morning, giving her my best pouty face- the same one I always give my mom whenever I ask her for something. Granted, it hardly ever works on my mother, but still, I can try.

“Sawyer, I just don’t feel very comfortable discharging you from the ward just yet—especially not for something as trivial as a date. This is only your third day being here, you know,” Dr. Watson reminds me.

“But I really wanna go,” I tell her and I think that it comes out sounding a little bit whiny but at this point, I really don’t care. “I promise I’ll be back before bedtime,” I add, hoping that that’ll sway her. I’ve been here in her office for about half an hour now, trying to convince her to let me go out with Graham tonight.

“If this George guy really likes you and you really like him, what exactly is the problem that you have with waiting until I formally discharge you in a couple of days before you go out on your little date?” She questions me with a sigh and I can tell that she’s growing tired of this conversation but if there’s one thing I’m not, it’s a quitter.

“His name is Graham,” I remind her, running my fingers through my hair and leaning back in the comfy chair that sits across from her large, mahogany desk. “And I don’t have a problem with waiting and I’m sure he doesn’t either but I really wanna go out with him tonight.”

Dr. Watson is quiet for a few minutes and I take that to mean that she’s actually thinking about it, which is good news. I’ve asked her about fifteen different ways since I’ve come in here and each time, she’s quickly said no. Admittedly, I really am pretty excited about Graham asking me out, which is why I’ve decided that I don’t really care what Dr. Watson says. If she doesn’t agree to discharge me for the night so that I can go out with Graham, then I’m just gonna sneak out.

If Alice is working tonight, it shouldn’t be all that hard either, because she’s just such a dumb bimbo. Mind you, she’s the rude Vogue-reader who allowed Flynn into the crazy center yesterday to see me because she didn’t check the restriction list. Like I said though, I’m not all that great at being sneaky, so I don’t want to have to sneak out, which is why I’m asking permission first, but if I have to sneak out, then I will. Hopefully it won’t come to that though because I’d probably get caught.

“You have to be back before 9 o’clock, Sawyer,” Dr. Watson informs me after deliberating on it for a few minutes.

“I will be—I swear it,” I assure her with a nod.

“And I usually don’t let patients leave this early in their stay, so you’ll be on kitchen duty next week,” She tells me.

“What’s that?” I wonder, raising my eyebrows.

“It’s when you help out in the kitchen during breakfast, lunch and dinner. You know, washing dishes and whatnot.”

“Oh, well, yeah, I can totally do that,” I decide.

“And of course, I’ll have to call and check in with your parents to make sure it’s alright,” Dr. Watson explains then.

“Okay, well, can you call my mom and ask her? My father is mean and he hates me, so he’ll say no,” I inform her.

“I’m sure your father doesn’t hate you, Sawyer,” She replies. “But sure, I’ll try to get in contact with your mother first. In the meantime though, you have a visitor.”

Saving Sawyer | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora