chapter two- getting ready

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This was going to be the most best day of my life and I was going to make sure of it.The day was not that bad it ended up being weird by having its up and downs but I made it count considering I was 5. I still remember this day because the night was the worst thing that has happened to me out of my entire life so far.

When I got home I did as I was told even thought it was my birthday I just wanted to get it over with and not have to deal with the argument if I disagreed to do it.
"Mommy I'm going to clean my room now" I said."Ok,love you sweetie" "Love you to mom". I went to my room and started to clean,we'll the best I could.
Down stairs my parents were talking.

"Hunter we have to tell her"."Ann she is our only child and she is 5,we are not telling her"."Hunter ple-"."I said no,that's final!" "Well she has the ring on so what are we going to do about that." Ann said as her eyes filled with tears but she didn't let them fall."Ann all we can do is wait till her 10th birthday,5 more years and if she doesn't die then we know that she is the flower." "If she is the flower than our world of our kind could die,vanish,poof,extinction!?!?!is that what you want?Hunter you have to do something and I'm not going to watch her die. Isn't their something you can do,anything at all?" "I think its time I do what we planed if a emergency happened, after her 11th birthday sometime I'll leave." "Hunter you can't mean...NO I won't let you....You cant." Ann said as she started to cry only about few tears fell because she knew that he would be back,just their flower will be all grown up.

When I got to my room it was an mess,no wonder my mom wanted me to clean it."Ugh I hate to clean all this mess." I always told myself that I would clean it when ever the mess was starting so it never got this bad but that plan never worked and to this day it still doesn't work.
Before I started to clean I tried to take the ring off but it didn't work so I just cleaned my room till I was done.
While I was cleaning out my closet I thought someone was by the window but when I looked nobody was their,I shrugged it off and acted as if it did not happen. I started to feel like I was being stalked as if a wolf was stalking it's prey but I also had an feeling like I was protected by a force and it was not allowed to get near me,no I did not feel like it was in my room but as if it was circling the apartment.

We lived in a city that was half the size of New York and really far from New York, I lived with my mom and dad in a apartment because we only needed a place for us 3,it was an 2 bedroom and one bathroom,a kitchen,and a separate living room. For us it was a acully big but if you saw some of the other apartments that we're huge and they were the size of a house,some were even two stories.

"Livia,if you want you can take a shower when you get done!!"
"Ok mommy,love you!!"
"Love you to baby!!"

I finished cleaning the last part of my room and then I made my bed,(the best I could).When I finished it all I was tired and a little sweaty and I wanted to look nice so I decided to take a shower. I yelled down the stairs that I was getting in the shower and said love you and I didn't wait for their ancwer I just got in the shower. I took a nice shower and tried to relax but I couldn't because I couldn't wait till later when we had my birthday party. When I got out of the shower I put on a dress that I had got last year on Christmas but it was a solid light pink dress with a white flower on it.

I loved that dress and wore it to almost every special event for three years till I grew out of it.

While Livia was finishing up cleaning her room and taking a shower, her parents were working on setting up the party. One was decorating and the other cleaning, then they would switch and do the other.
Hunter hung all the things that were high up and Ann cleaned up some then they switched spots. Hunter hung the happy birthday sign, streamers and blew up balloons while Ann cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed. They switched places so Hunter was cleaning up anything else that needed to be and Ann put up the rest of the decorations.
When they finished putting up the decorations and done cleaning they were about to start setting up the table when Livia walked down the stairs.

As I walked down the stairs I saw my parents looking at me, my mom and dad said that I was the most pretty girl they ever seen. I looked at the table and saw it was not done. "Mommy is it fine if I help set the table with you and daddy?"
"Yes honey that fine" She said.

We were seeing up the table and because my favorite color was purple almost everything was, napkins, plates,even my blankets and sheets were purple. We had 3 more places to set up when we heard a knock on the door, my dad said he would get it as we finished setting up the table. When I saw who it was, I was so happy. It was Janet my babysitter,she was the best person I knew she was nice even when my parents were gone and she treated me like a little sister to her and we told echother everything.
Janet was a pretty girl who had dark red hair and Freckeals,white smile,tall and skinny but chunky at the same time just perfect,she loved to make me cookies and she loved swimming.
"JANET!". "Hello love, I hope you haven't been to much truble for your mum?" She said. I loved her accent and she used it to cheer me up or make me smile. She told me happy birthday and handed me a presant. Everyone that was coming to my birthday was going to get here around one and it was already 12:50 so we watched tv and waited.

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