chapter three -- the birthday party

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We were watching TV and got everything done and soon the guests were arriving. When everyone was here we sang happy birthday and ate cake. The adults told the kids that they could go play in the back yard while they cleaned, so we all ran outside and my parents were rich because they saved their money and had good paying jobs so we had a swimming pool and a water slide and for birthdays we would rent a jumpy house that had a water slide into a small pool that I would always fill with water balloons. While we were out their I noticed a girl that had brown wavy hair that was shoulder langth, bright green eyes, and she was sitting and had tears rolling down her cheeks and being me I was going to say hi. Bella was one of the more popular people in my grade even though we were five she was like the queen bee and we were friends but she was snoody to me and the others in our class and I didn't like her that much. Bella started to walk up to me and so I turned to her to see what she wanted. "Hey birthday girl what you doing walking that way the fun is this way, why don't you join me and my friend over here!" "Because I'm going over to that girl and see why she is crying." "Why talk to that lame girl when you can hang out with me" "because your mean and no one is allowed to be sad at my birthday." I walked away and to the girl who was crying. "Hi I'm Livia, why are you over here and not their playing?" "I'm catie, short for Catherine." "Well it my birthday and no one is allowed to be sad, do you have a bathing suit?" "No". "Well come on!" I grabbed her hand and dragged her upstairs before she could even ask what I was doing. I looked her up and down and saw that she was a size smaller that me and she was looking down. "Here". She looked up and took the swimsuit and I showed her to the bathroom so she could change. She came back with with a smile on her face. "Thank you!" She smiled and gave me a hug. That was the day we became best friends and the hug was the ceal to the friendship.

We went back outside and we played in the water and acted like dum kids that were retarded but when your 5 and have all your friends over at once you act like that. Bella was sitting with her group of "friends" in the hot tub that we had, someone had turned it on.we were outside for two hours and then my mom called us in so I could open my presents. I went in last just to make shore that Bella did not lock anyone outside and that is when I heard something in the tall grass behind my house and as I was going to look at it my mom told me to hurry up so I did not see what it was.
When I went inside I saw where Catherine was sitting and went and sat next to her and Bella gave me a look like "why her, I'm way better" type looks. The first presant I opened was from my parents, they got me a new camera because I would always take my dad's and use all his memory so they bought me one of my own. Janet's presant was next then Catherine's and so on and on.
After that the party was basically over and some people left and some stayed a little longer and Catherine ended up staying longer then everyone.

Later after everyone was gone the sun was almost all the way gone but their was still some light left and so we played on the water slide jumpy house and my parents said they would be getting in the pool after the sun went down and Catherine parents stayed for and got in the pool then left after a hour. "Livia, if you and Catherine want to you can go swim in the pool or sit in the hot tub just don't turn the heater on but you can turn the lights on." "Ok daddy we will!" We ran and jumped into the hot tub and danced/swimm at the same time while the lights were on in the pool and acted like we were dancing in lights. Janet was swimming and talking to my parents but went to her room to finish some work she had to do and Catherine left around 6-7. I thanked my mom and dad saying that I had a good day and it was the best day of my life, I huged Catherine and said bye to her parents. After we changed and got into our pegamas we had to clean up and it was a lot that we did not get it all cleaned and had to do some the next day but we watched TV and I got tired and told my parents that I was going to sleep.
"Night mommy and daddy, love you." "Night baby we love you to!" They said in union. I laughed and went to my room got my stuffed animal that was a wolf with brown fur and soon fell asleep....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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