Garnet x depressed! Reader

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For LazuliWolf


You didn't want to get up. You didn't want to do anything today except lie in bed. Motivation had left the building a long time ago. 

But you did get up. The morning routine you knew so well was implanted in you brain, and performed unconsciously every dawn like clockwork. Today was no different. Get up, wash your face, brush teeth, yada yada. The thoughts in your head right now were either to incoherent to be remembered or  serious thoughts that couldn't be pushed from your head. Every day seemed to be the same, and the last time you'd felt genuine emotion seemed like ages ago. Life just droned on. 

Then there was the day when you met the crystal gems. You'd been doing another routine thing, taking a walk in the afternoon. Suddenly out of the boardwalk in front of you came a giant, writhing, serpentlike creature. In your terror you noticed the blur in front off you had multiple piercing yellow eyes, and jagged spikes protruding from its scaled back. A splintered piece of wood caught your foot and you crashed down onto more planks. Then, just as you were sure you were done for, an intimidating woman with gauntlets swooped in and started hammering the creature with punches. Soon enough you were saved and somehow became a close friend of the woman who saved you. You learned her name was Garnet, and all about the other crystal gems and Steven.

You didn't think you could live without Garnet. She made life better. Her wisdom and love enabled you to not give up, but not to push yourself too hard, either. 

Today had changed from a normal, boring daý, to one that made you smile and feel warm inside. Garnet was with you, and the two of you were having a picnic on the cliff above the temple. 

Being truly happy. It was a rare occurrence for you. But that was what you felt right now, here with the gem who made your life better. 

A warm hand grasped your fingers, and your eyes met all three of Garnet's. She was smiling softly. "(Y/n), I want you to know that you mean something. You mean something to me, and your life is valuable. Try to live it to the fullest, but if it's hard sometimes, that's ok. Just promise me you won't give up. You have a purpose and I know I'm one of the many who are glad to know you." She enveloped you in a hug, and you reciprocated gladly. "I love you." You whispered.

"I love you too."


I hope you liked this story. I know it's short, but I tried to put a lot of feeling into it. The focus is also more emotional love than romance, I hope that's okay.

Best wishes!

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