Life Lessons

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My very first book, which was a wordless story (i.e. the story was told only through the illustrations), was based on a life lesson.

The year it was published, I was doing private tutoring in English and maths and was given an adult student. She and I came to be close friends, and we learned about each other's backgrounds.

There were some experiences she had gone through that were emotionally difficult. I was similar. And yet, she was one of the bubbliest, most positive people I had ever met. She taught me that our struggles don't have to leave scars - they can make us more appreciative of the happiness and privilege that we do have.

And so, I created What Stars Are Made Of to share this experience and life lesson.

Your turn:

What's something you've learned this year? Perhaps a friend has shown you a way to encourage people, or you've learned how to motivate yourself, or deal with bullies.

Think about how you could turn this into a story. Who would the main character be? How would they show, or learn, this lesson?

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