6. PDA

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Cole would definitely be the arm around your shoulders type, because he’s probably protective and kind of possessive, but in more of a positive manner. He would just kind of sling it over you and you two would just walk wherever, talking and smiling and laughing. And he would rest his hand on your shoulder very gently and his fingers just grazing there.


Dana would be the type to put his arm around your waist when you two are out. Like his hand would just rest on the side of your waist occasionally giving a reassuring squeeze. And he would place it so you two would be walking close together and he would lean really close when he talks to you and whisper in your ear making you blush from his close proximity.


Dalton would probably be the type to hold your hand and kiss you on the cheek a lot. You two would sit really close to each other if you went somewhere and he would put his arm around you and just smile at you because he appreciates beauty and he would probably be the type to fix your hair when you put your jacket on (you know, how it gets caught? Yeah, like that) and brush your hair out of your face et cetera.


Gabe would hold onto your hand wherever you went and stand behind you with his arms around you and rest his chin on your shoulder on the top of your head. and he would DEHEFFINITELY kiss you on the cheek or nose when you’re trying to do stuff and then he would just laugh when you whine at him for distracting you and those eyes would SpaRkLe OH MY.


Will, OOHOOHOO, would definitely hold your hand really tight and lace your fingers together and kiss you on the forehead when you’re not expecting it. And he would just blush and giggle when you give him the eye and then he would slip his arm around your waist and squeeze just to let you know that you can’t chase him away and oH mY i nEeD mY iNhALeR. 

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