Wedding - Part 8

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When thrust unexpectedly into an unknown situation it is best to minimize activity that might draw unwanted attention. Stay motionless if possible, Michael reminded himself. Put your senses to work in sorting out the confusion, immediate action is only required once a threat is determined. Don't overreact, blend in.

People were speaking in muffled tones near him. They were below, in a room underneath where he was laying. No one was speaking on the roof and, since there had been no reaction to his presence, he must not be within anyone's field of vision, or he was an accepted part of this new environment or he was alone. Risk in moving was therefore minimal.

Slowly raising his head to look around he found the last assumption to be correct. The roof was rectangular with a surface area measuring about twenty-five meters by fifteen meters, covered in a thin layer of dusty powder. Other than a small wooden crate and a bundle of short poles stacked at the opposite end, the roof was bare. A low ridge designed with a repeating half moon pattern ran all around the perimeter, except for an opening at the right rear corner, probably used to access stairs or some other way to get on and off the roof.

Using his hands to shield his eyes Michael saw that the sun shone brightly at an angle indicating it was the late afternoon. Feeling the bird droppings on his forehead he wiped them away before quietly rolling onto his stomach, lest those in the building should hear. He still wore the beige nightgown he had put on before crawling into bed. Seeing there were no footprints or other disturbances in the dust around him, Michael knew he had neither been carried nor flown to wherever he now was. The only disturbance of the dust had been made by that of his own body; as if having just appeared in place from out of the ether. Satisfied the situation posed no immediate threat, he became concerned with finding out where he was geographically and, more importantly, in time. Using elbows and toes he edged forwards toward the perimeter ridge at what he believed to be the front of the building.

Slowly raising his head Michael peered between the humps of the half moons. He was two stories above street level in an ancient middle-eastern city; its placement in history determined by both the technological lack and the garments worn by those that were seen. People moved about in loose fitting robes, many wearing cloth headdress, most with sandals on their feet. A few deeply tanned men attended to thirsty camels tied with ropes to palm trees near a well, a battered wooden bucket being lowered and raised to meet the animals' needs. A lone man dressed and armored in the attire of a soldier from ancient Rome stood close by. Knowing the probable futility in trying to contact Gabe he nevertheless did so, only to be mildly disappointed when communication wasn't established.

Using the precedent of his previous recent experience Michael guessed that he would be here for a while, probably until he witnessed an event of some significance. Then again, given that he was wandering in ignorance with respect to everything going on, it would be foolish to assume anything. Once again the need to find food, water and secure shelter were priorities.

Obtaining food shouldn't be a problem given the urban environment he was in, providing he did not attract attention by moving about during the day. The nightgown he wore might pass for native garb if just barely but his light skin, hair color and hair style were too obviously out of place. He would need to restrict his movements to after the sun went down. Water could be drawn quietly from the well but a sealed container would be required in order to transport and keep it for drinking during the daylight hours. Shelter was problematic; where do you hide in an unfamiliar town inhabited by thousands when you stand out like a ...a Caucasian in a nightgown in the middle-east. Staying put seemed like the best option, especially when no others presented themselves. It did not appear anyone had been on the roof for quite sometime and perhaps his placement there wasn't wholly coincidental. It would serve as home base for the time being.

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