Theo Raeken - "I thought you were dead."

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You opened your text book on the right page and stared at the chalk board. Ever since you had lost Theo you had not been doing that great, but today that was going to change. Today you were going to pay attention again. Today you would start picking up your grades again.

"Is this seat taken?" Theo leaned casually on the table next to yours and you looked up with your eyes wide open and your jaw dropped. Theo curled his lips up into a smile. "Or did no one take my place?" He winked and you felt your cheeks heating up while your heart skipped a few beats in your chest.

"I..." You shook your head. You let your eyes wander over his body and checked him out from head to toe. "I thought you were dead."

"Yes, I thought so too." Theo sat down in the chair next to yours and he leaned back casually. "Trust me, if would have preferred being dead." He took a deep breath and he licked his lips. "But now I'm back and I'm not planning on dying again any time soon."

You nodded at him, even though you couldn't really process what he had just said. "So, if you were not dead..." You swallowed a few times. "Then what happened exactly?" You had totally forgotten that you were planning on concentrating on school again.

"Scott and his pack sent me to a horrible place where my sister kept on ripping my heart out." Theo shrugged his shoulders casually, but you saw something in his eyes you had never seen before. Theo was afraid. Theo was afraid that he would have to go back.

"That sounds..." You took a deep breath. Horrible seemed too weak for what you really wanted to say. "I don't even know if there is a word for it."

Theo shook his head. "I get it." He smiled at you and he leaned towards you. "So, why don't you and I continue where we stopped?" He raised his eyebrows and you felt your cheeks blushing. "I'll pick you up at seven and make sure to wear something nice."

"Ok." You smiled back. Maybe you would have to postpone your plan to pick up the pieces of your shattered grades again to tomorrow. 

Theo Raeken - Teen Wolf Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now