Theo Raeken - "You're a great person don't ever forget that."

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You parked your car in it's usual spot on the parking lot of Beacon Hills High School. You felt like you were still half asleep and you were far from ready to attend classes again. You wondered if anyone here actually was. You wondered if anyone world wide ever was. With a loud sigh you stepped out of your car and you looked up when you saw a familiar face in front of you.

"Hello, (Y/N)." Theo curled his lips up into a smile. He looked a little older than you remembered him, but he still had the same twinkle in his eyes. It seemed as if he wanted to say many other things, but couldn't find the right words. He opened his mouth, closed it again, opened it once more and closed it firmly as if he eventually decided that you should go first.

You shifted your weight from one leg to the other. "Where have you been?" You shook your head and crossed your arms over your chest. "Where the hell have you been?" You repeated your question with a little more fire, with a little more energy and you tensed all your muscles while you prepared for his answer.

"Does it matter?" Theo raised his eyebrows and he turned his head away from you. "I spent those two years regretting that I left. I won't do it ever again." He shrugged his shoulders while he locked his glance with yours again. "I missed you, (Y/N)." His voice was barely a whisper and you took a deep breath.

"So, you disappear for two years and when you show up again you think you can simply continue as if nothing has happened?" You licked your lips and shook your head. "You've got to be kidding me, Theo." You swallowed. "That's not how it works. That's not how life works." You wanted to walk past him, but Theo curled his fingers around your wrist and forced your to stand still.

"I will be a better everything, I promise." His lips were almost touching your ear and he spoke softly. "I will be a better friend. I will be a better lover. I will be a better pack-member." He tightened his grip a little and then he took a deep breath. "I will be there for you from this day to my very last."

For a moment there was nothing but silence. You didn't know what to say, you didn't know what to answer, you didn't know if you should forgive him, if you should give him a chance, if you should play hard to get, if you should make him fight for you. "You've been gone for two years!" You eventually said.

"I know." Theo replied, but he still didn't let your arm go. "And I know that maybe you need time, but there is some good in this world and it's worth fighting for. You're the good in this world and I'll be fighting for you." He pulled his hand back, but you stood still, frozen to the floor beneath your feet. "All I need is a chance and I'll prove you that this time everything will be better."

You thought about his words for a moment. "You don't need to be better, Theo." You looked up at him and your eyes met his. "Everyone else may have seen you as a bad guy, but I didn't, I never did." You paused for a moment to let the words sink in. "We see what we want to see and I wanted to see the good in you. I still want to see the good in you."

"But you can't pretend like I haven't been gone for two years." Theo said what you couldn't say and you nodded. "I never stopped loving you. I don't think I ever will. I hope, I really hope, that you will be my happy ending, but no matter what happens..." He hesitated for a moment and he reached for your hand. "You're a great person. Don't ever forget that."

Theo Raeken - Teen Wolf Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now