Chapter Nine

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"Have you decided what you're going to do for the project?" 

"I have a vague idea," I replied to Juliana who busily scribbled her concept sketches, "you seem to have it down." 

"Yeah, well at first I though about drawing a bunch topless hunks, but of course Joanne already chose to do that," their was a scowl on her face, "so I decided to paint my cat Geraldine." 

My eyes widened and my heartbeat faltered, "You have a cat?" 

"Yes and she's the fluffiest, cutest thing ever," Juliana gushed. 

"Could I come over your place sometime?" I said with a sheepish smile, playing with my fingers nervously. It had been approximately two whole months since the last time I saw a cat, I couldn't wait any longer. 

"Cat lover I assume?" 

I nodded my head enthusiastically. 

"Sure, though I wished it wasn't because of my cat that you decided to come over," Juliana chuckled. 

"Sorry," I scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment, "My cat died and my mums boyfriend won't let me get a kitten." 

"That sucks," Sympathy laced her tone before a bright smile played on her lips , "Well, it means we can work on the project together."

"Great," I smiled. 

Once again I picked up my pencil and started to sketch some ideas down, I had the idea of a family holding hands, walking beside a river or something to show the strength that I was grateful for. 

When I was growing up I didn't have to worry about anything, my parents had everything under control and did everything in their power to protect me from harm. It was when I was thrusted into the realm of the real world that I truely understood how much my parents had kept me sheltered from the real world, but I was thankful as the real world was a scary and dark place. 

I wanted to paint something that expressed the strength of a family, that each figure in the family was just as valuable as the next and if you were without one the family would crumble, just like ours had. 

When I was eleven my father had an affair with an ex co-worker, mum was devastated but they were strong and decided to work through it together. It wasn't until dad figured out he got her pregnant that our family was shattered, he left us to help another family mend while leaving us to crumble. 

My parents truly loved each other, I just don't think my mum could handle the pressure, she ran away from her problems rather than solving them.

I shook away the dark thoughts looming above me, the painting was meant to show the strength of a family not the downfall.

I began to sketch the thoughts away, letting art become my meditation. I loved the way the pencil felt against the paper, the simple but inciting noise it made. It was such a raw feeling, one that I bathed in. 

"All right, pack up your things," Mr F's voice boomed pulling me from my art induced haze.

"What are you doing after class?" Juliana said packing her pencils away.

I scratched the back of my neck, "I actually have a thing to go to.."

"Does this thing involve a boy?" Juliana smirked.


"Lauren!" Joanne bounded over to our desk, "Wanna hang after class?"

"Fuck off Joanne," Juliana bit out, "Lauren has a thing to go to." 

"What kind of thing?" Joanne wiggled her eyebrows.

"Not a boy type of thing," I mumbled, shoving my equipment in my satchel. 

"I wouldn't have even considered such a thing..." Joanna winked.

"Anyway," She leaned in a playful smile on her full lips, "there's a party on next Saturday, I thought it would be cool if we could go together."

"'We' being you, Joanna, Jules and I," Juliana elaborated.

"Parties? I thought those things ended in high school."

"Its Jules birthday party," Juliana retorted, "It shouldn't get too crazy..." 

"Sounds fun I'm in," I smiled.

"Great!" Joanna squealed, "I'll text you the address." 

"Awesome!" I grinned, "I better get going, Jasper is being an ass and is making me walk to the cafe." 

"Jasper?" Joanna asked with a raised eyebrow. 



"Um, he's my mum's boyfriend...." I scratched the back of my neck nervously. Fuck! Shit!

"That's funny," Joanna mumbled, "....he has the same name as Mr Martinez." 

"Sure does," I smiled tightly, "Well I better be off!" 

"See ya, Lauren" Juliana waved and I exhaled in relief, I had some how gotten myself out of that one. That was bloody close. 


I puffed as I stepped inside the cafe, the smell of freshly baked cakes and sweet tea filling my senses. Walking took a lot longer than I had expected. I smiled when I saw Sarah sitting in a booth with a cup of tea in her hand. 

"Sorry I'm late!" I huffed short of breath, "I had to walk from the art school." 

Sarah looked up from her tea with a sweet smile on her face, "Oh that's fine!"

I took a seat and pulled my bag off my shoulder, placing it on the floor. 

"How are you?" She asked. 

"I'm good, a little bit tired if I was too be honest," I hummed, playing with my fingers. I was excited, but nervous. She had said that she'd tell me about the background, the reason behind why Jasper, the stone-cold hearted beast was crying.  

"Ah yes, I remember the struggles of art school," She chuckled, "They're not easy on you that's for sure, but it's a good thing. Without the school I'd be nowhere." 

"Would you like anything to eat?" 

"No I'm fine thanks," I replied. 

"Well let's get on with this, shall we?" 

A/N: Bit of a short chapter, sorry it took me awhile to finish! This week has been a big one, and frankly the weeks will only get bigger (I'm starting school again in less than ten days....ugh..). 

But I will still aim to write hopefully a minimum of one chapter a week. ALSO!  Chapter Ten is going to be pretty exciting! So stay tuned :D


What's your thoughts on the party? Good idea? Bad idea? 

Do you think poor Jules will ever get with Mr Finley? (Just realized I deleted a scene that makes the question relevant.. but I'm running out of questions so why not?) 

Any predictions about the painting etc? 

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