Chapter Eleven

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I spent the next couple of days huddled in my room, no one questioned it and I was glad. I just needed to spend time by myself, no interruptions and no annoying people (aka Jasper). The time I wasn't at art school working on my project I was huddled at my desk doing the same thing.

So far it was turning out to be one of my best pieces, something that I at first thought would be hell to paint was coming together nicely. I was excited, after all the fuck ups in my life at least something seemed to be going right. 

I felt like I was finally starting to fit into this strange world, one that I thought I'd never even think about touching with a stick... and to be honest, I was starting to like Jasper. I would never see him as a fatherly figure but my mother and him were good for each other, they made each other happy... even if it was gross as hell to watch. 

Once they tie the knot I'd have to move out, Mum wouldn't mind me staying but I could already feel the harsh chills from Jasper's hard, cold glare. He wouldn't want me to stay, hell he barely wanted me to stay now.

I had to get a job.

Freeloading of Jasper's wealth didn't feel right, he earned it through hard work and dedication. (or at least I assumed he did.)

With that thought in mind I quickly threw my art equipment to the side and grabbed my crusty old laptop, praying that the bloody thing would turn on.

The only place that seemed to be hiring inexperienced twenty-year- olds was McDonalds. As much as I loved their golden hash browns after a night of hard drinking the thought of working there made my nose crinkle in disgust. 

I sighed, slumping the entire way to the kitchen where Jasper was diligently cooking away at the stove top. My mother sat cross- legged at the kitchen table, her eyes fixed to a wedding magazine.

"What's wrong honey?" She looked up from the magazine, her eyebrows furrowed.

I quickly noted the fact that I was wearing my Winnie the pooh bear pajamas, my hair was a greasy mess a top my head and I had been painting crazily only a few moments ago. Her concerned look was a given.

"I need a job," I huffed pulling a seat out beside her, "I'm broke."

"Don't be silly," she waved her hand about, "you don't have to worry about anything, everything's under control."

"Mum I really appreciate everything, but I don't want to be stuck here with you and Jasper forever," I exasperated, "No offence, but I've got to sort my shit out I can't keep living a fantasy."

"Well, I'm sure Jasper might be able to find you a job," she smiled then looked towards Jasper, "right baby?"

"Have you got a resume?" He muttered, looking up from the stove.


"Why not?"

"I haven't gotten that far yet," I mumbled sheepishly.

"Well, write it up and I'll see what I can do," he sighed, "no promises."

I jumped from my seat, "Really?!"

"Yes," he grunted, "Just write the bloody resume, Lauren."

I squealed like a child as I dashed to my room, I was going to get a job!


I sat back down at my trusty old laptop and opened up Microsoft Word and started to write up my resume.

It was sad noting the minuscule list of achievements I had accomplished through out my depressing life. My life had been lived but not enjoyed. I just existed and that was that.

All I had back then was Kevin and my stingy job at the local diner. I thought about where I was now, I had a future or at least somewhere I felt I belonged. It was a great feeling, belonging.

I had just finished polishing off my resume when I received a text from Julianna.

 'Still keen for Jules' party 2morrow night??'

I quickly replied with a 'hell yes' before deciding to freaking out.

I totally forgot.


I felt terrible, I hadn't got a present nor washed in the last three days (which admittedly probably is the culprit). Simply, I was a mess who wasn't mentally or physically prepared for a party.

I quickly texted her back 'What does Jules like?'

I hurriedly pressed  print on my laptop while I waited for her reply.

I would hand Jasper my resume, then slightly apologize/make an excuse as to why I couldn't eat the meal he's been slaving over. I wouldn't have time to get Jules a present tomorrow before the party, I had school and hopefully a job interview. So the only chance was now.

My phone buzzed with a reply from Juliana.

'He said no gifts, but he was just being modest. Get him a box of favourites or something'

I clambered out of my room, resume in hand and made a beeline for the kitchen.

"Oh honey, I was just about to go get you," My mother jumped out from around the corner with a smile, "Dinners ready."

I scratched the back of my neck, "I actually need to go buy one of my friends a present for their birthday, I might have to skip tea."

"You will do no such thing," She pouted, her arms crossed, "its not every night Jasper graces us with his cooking."

I wanted to point out that he cooked tea every night, but I was pushed to the kitchen table before I could utter a word.

"You can go shopping when you have finished dinner," She chirped, setting a bowl of delicious smelling stew in front of me.

I had a strong urge to remind her that I was ugly and old enough to look after myself, but the scent of stew wafting in my face kept me quiet.


"So I'm going dress shopping in a few weeks," Mum was the first to break the silence, "I want you to come with me Lauren."

I internally groaned. Don't get me wrong I loved shopping but just not with my mother.

"Okay," I mumbled shoving a spoonful of stew in my mouth.

"You'll have to pick out your dress too Lauren," She chastised, "Please act at least half interested."

"Oh, no of course I am...?" I squeaked, cringing at the pathetic sound of my voice. 

She raised an eyebrow but kept quiet. 

I quickly finished the meal and slipped Jasper my resume across the table before getting up to hurry out the door. 

"Your going to go down the street in that?" Jasper queried, an amused look on his face. I looked down at my pajamas and pink bunny slippers and shrugged. 

"I guess so," I replied nonchalantly. 

I heard him chuckle as I left through the door, car keys in hand. 

A/N: I'M SORRY! if it seemed like i took forever to update... 

I did make a announcement on my page, but school has started up again and the workload is quite big... I've never really been serious about school till now.. (which is bad) but I'm trying really hard to finish all my homework and actually study so there's little time to sit down and write Jasper, but I'm not giving up! 


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