Chapter Twenty-Four

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Gideon was a talker.

Not that I had minded--he was going to showcase my art! I was freaking the hell out. My art was going to be hanging in a gallery. God, the thought had given me tingles. He later explained that every few or so months he held an exhibition for young artists whose art he deemed worthy. He supposedly loved the portrait of Tanner and wanted it hanging in his gallery. I didn't mind at all, I drank it all in like a dehydrated man in the Sahara.

He quickly handed me his business card and was off like a rocket, for a large man he moved quick. had looked at both Juliana and Joanna and squealed.

The rest of the night was a blast. Even the long, never-ending announcements seemed exciting. It was when the principle, a tall, slender man with a head of peppered hair was rambling on about the pride he had for his 'exquisite' students that I sneaked off to the toilet. The refreshments had taken their toll on me. I was teetering on the edge of 'everything is awesome' ready to fall into the dark pit of 'I need sleep now'.

I sighed as I pushed my way into the girls bathroom, the coolness of the door against my sweaty palms was welcomed. I rubbed my tired eyes and yawned as I shoved my way into a stall only to find a heap of bodies in the depths of a passionate make out session. Oh, fuck.

It was Juliana who broke the awkward silence. "Oh...hey Lauren. What brings you here?" She said. She skillfully began to untangle herself from the other large body in the stall.

"You know, when nature calls, nature calls," I replied, playing along with the nonchalant act. All I really wanted to do was scream, wash my eyes out with soap then go for that pee that desperately wanted out.

I glanced at the guy who stood beside Juliana in the stall, the guy see had just been kissing no more than a minute ago. He was tall and sort of intimidating. To be fair I think anyone would have been intimidated in my situation. He looked down at me with a smirk, a piercing on his fat, bottom lip. At least he could see the humour in this situation.

Juliana scratched the back of her neck. "So, um...this is David, my ex," she awkwardly gestured to the man beside her, her hand hit his chest in the enclosed space, "David this is friend."

David leaned forward, his hand shot out. "Pleasure to meet you Lauren," he smiled deviously. He was handsome, I'd give him that. Not the kind of handsome I'd find myself attracted to but handsome nonetheless.

I took his hand with wary and gave it an uncertain shake. "The pleasure is all mine, I think? I, um better go, I need to pee. It was nice meeting you...David."

With my head down I quickly scurried off to the nearest stall.

Juliana didn't come home with us that afternoon.

She had later texted me letting me know that she and her ex were now dating, again. Among other things that I really did not need to the size of his woodpecker and how she had forgotten how good he was in bed. I wished her luck nonetheless.

The night had ended quickly and before I knew it I was in the car with my mother the next day on our way to try on dresses. Oh, yay. The car drive was quiet, I was pleasantly surprised. I had expected my mother to be talking my ear off about the wedding, it was nearing after all.

"Everything okay?" I had asked with a concerned dip in my brow.

She gave a small smile, her hands tight on the steering wheel. "Yeah, just wedding nerves you know?" She blew out.

"Not really," I muttered to myself. "I'm sure everything will be fine," I then added, louder.

"Yeah," she sighed.

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