The Mighty have Fallen

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"Granger! Granger! Hermione wake up! Hermione, it's me Draco!"

Hermione woke up with a start, drenched in cold sweat.

She looked up to see Draco paler than usual, with a worried frown on his face.

"What? Stop staring Malfoy! Don't you know it's rude to stare?"

"Quote unquote, Granger. You don't get to throw my words at me", he said smiling smugly. "But since you are healing, I guess you're allowed a sloppy comeback once in a while."

"I'm in the hospital wing? I can't believe Ron did this to me."

"You cant believe what? - That Weasel lover boy could ever hurt his know-it-all Golden girl or that the Weasel loser would be able to hex the Brightest Witch of all ages, catching her off guard."

"Both", she said dryly.

"Even the mighty can fall Granger."

"Apparently they can", she eyed him with a knowing look. She remembered the kiss. She wanted to talk about it. She just didn't know how. She always had comebacks and ready wit, but when it came to emotions, she couldn't mask them. She just wasn't good at it.

So instead, she asked. "How long have I been out?"

"A couple of hours I think Granger. You could have slept some more if you didn't scream your lungs out, forcing me to wake you."

"Oh." She responded, not knowing what else to say. She didn't want him knowing how vulnerable his presence made her. What it reminded her of. His attempt to save her, her torture, her wounds.

Draco had heard her screams. He had heard her calling out his name. He knew she was haunted by the same ghosts that shadowed him every waking and sleeping moment. But how could he respond? What could he say?

Luckily she saved him the trouble of responding.

"Anyone come by?"

"Yes, the Pothead and Weaselette were here. Your Chosen One left when your Weasel king was summoned to McGonagall. The Weaselette was driven out by the matron though. The old hag hates crowds apparently."

"Why did Harry have to go to McGonagall? Is he in trouble?"

"Of course not. He's Head Boy isn't he? Pothead is probably trying to weasel his side-kick out of punishment. Funny how you Gryffindors think the rules and punishments never apply to you."

"Well so do the Slytherins Malfoy..."

Draco had just opened his mouth to speak when she interrupted him

"And just so you know, the Slytherin way of finding loopholes in the rules is just as good as breaking them."

Draco was out of words again. This time she had outwitted him yet again.

"You never fail to deliver, do you Granger?" He asked amused.

She smirked in his signature style and carried it on her face like she owned it. His heart skipped a beat, and he noticed, brushing it off immediately.

Oh boy, why did it have to be Granger? He thought. And that was the moment he subconsciously made his decision.

Draco was not a hero, much less a saviour. He had his own demons to deal with. How could he drive away someone else's?

But he knew he had to. Though he didn't know how. All he knew was if he could pull her out of the shadows, there was some hope for him seeing the light himself before all was lost.

"So you have nightmares?"

"And you would care because?"

"Because you called out my name.
Is there anything I can do?"

"I don't think so. I have tried both muggle therapy as well as an ample dose of Cheering Charms. Doesn't seem to work."

"You know Granger, if you want, maybe. You know.. you could talk about it to me.. I mean... If you're okay with it." He tried suggesting nonchalantly, but it came out like a stammer.

Damn! The Granger girl was ruining his flawless communication. His tutor would roll in his grave if he knew.

"And I would do that because?" She asked suspiciously. Why was Malfoy being so generous to her all of a sudden?

"Because.. I see it too. Malfoy Manor. And you've tried everything else. It's not like you have something to lose. Think about it", he said as he turned to leave.

"Besides, you did call my name. It wouldn't be proper for a gentleman to ignore a lady like that. My tutor wouldn't have it", he said walking away, smiling to himself.

That was when Hermione realised what the look of pain in his eyes, everytime he looked at her, meant. It wasn't pain born of hate, it was born of sorrow.

Oh, how the mighty had fallen, and the lowly risen.


Author's Note:
Releasing this chapter at 1k reads folks! (Sorry for the slight delay. I just checked my Wattpad app.)

This chapter is dedicated to:

Thisislifeiamlife, cotu_03 and BookObssesed11 for their support. Thank you so much folks!

Stay tuned for the next chapter: Slytherin Pride. If you want an early release please SHARE this book with your friends, VOTE, and COMMENT!

I'll release the next chapter next Saturday or at 2k reads or 200 votes or 100 comments, whichever milestone is reached first.

Until next time, Happy Reading!! 😘😘

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