Rosy Tears

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Rosy Tears

                                                            I find

myself alone at times,

crying rosy tears

cold, yet somehow

they barely feel there

they bring me some


but it never lasts for long

music helps to numb me

your words, they make me long

for sweet relief, that I may feel

warm, loved, and needed

                                                            but only

if I try to catch your eye,

to get your smile, to

feel your warmth, and

when you hold me in your arms

crying tears of lust

                                                            when I

scream out in joy, as if

I might be writhing in pain

almost as loud as had

I been hurt, terribly,

maybe even


I know it’s weird,

but the feel of the razor,

the bite of its tongue

the whisper it gives

I hate to admit it

                                                            it’s something I've come to love


inspired by the song Cut by Plumb xD 

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