(Don't) Cross the Field

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Beware those squirrels... they're evil.  And so are the mice.  Both have much better evl laughter than I xD


(Don’t) Cross the Field

SKS gather, at one end of the field,

            their nuts have been stolen.

Nothing can make them yield,

            at least not until their precious

supply has been recovered once more.

                                                            RFM at the other end, tails used like swords.

                                                                           Their eyes green and glowing, tempers

                                                            growing, they’re ready to settle a score.

                                                                           Little do they know, a ways away

                                                            farmers gather, ready to rid themselves of pests.

SKS, waving their fluffy tails around

            Like battle flags.  They bring a

banner, painted red.  Their name and

            motto show against the colors:

Serial Killer Squirrels - Nuts For All.

                                                            RFM advance, marching in sync.  Nutshells on

                                                                           their heads, to protect their brains.

                                                            “Radioactive Field Mice (not rabid feral moose)

                                                                           advance on, to battle with the squirrels.”

                                                            In the center they meet, but before they compete

both sides freeze, a smell in the air

            all creatures with hair know well

to fear.  Humans scented, RFM and SMS

            begin to fidget and panic.  Jumpy

SMS, nervous RFM, come to a decision.

                                                            Once enemies, now united.  To stand against the

                                                                           humans, Serial Killer Squirrels and

                                                            Radioactive Field Mice stand together, to fight

                                                                           their way free.  Mice go for the feet,

                                                            squirrels for nuts, faces, and hands, a final stand.

Humans beaten down, a victory bell sounds,

            squirrels and mice applaud.  Their

mutual enemy gone, tired, they see no reason

            to go on fighting each other again.

They gather together and cheer, a time

                                                            to celebrate is here.  SKS and RFM are now close

                                                                           friends.  Don’t cross them in their field,

                                                            or you may never see daylight again.  Killer         

                                                                         squirrels, radioactive mice, not ones

                                                            you want to annoy.  Beware.  Killing is their joy.

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