chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning in a bed with Alejandro next to me. I knew for a fact we didn't have sex, we just kissed was all and then fell asleep together. We had endless business meetings today, it was my job to make notes and make sure everything ran smoothly. I dragged myself from bed to begin getting ready for the day. I went with a black and white plaid dress with a belt and blazer.

I had just finished up with my hair and turned around to find Alejandro, he was half asleep looking but it looked good on him

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I had just finished up with my hair and turned around to find Alejandro, he was half asleep looking but it looked good on him. "your up early" he said to me, I looked down to my phone it was 9:15. Our first meeting was at 10, "we have a meeting at 10 Alejandro" I said to him. His face lit up with shock, "what no really we will be late" he said as he ran around to shower and dress. We later arrived at the meeting all took our places I sat off to the side not at the main table. The meeting was a good 2-3 hours long, I was so bored all I did was take notes that would mean more work for me when I got back home. I was growing more and more bored, finally the meeting ended. Alejandro and I were done one of the meetings we had to do today, I was keeping my distance for Alejandro I needed to be professional. I kept up all day getting coffees and lunch for everyone. By the end of the day I was exhausted, I was sitting outside the building in the sun on a bench. I had slipped off my heels and was rubbing my ever sore feet, It had been a very long day. " do your feet hurt that bad?" I turned around to see Alejandro, "Yea they hurt a lot from running around all day but I will just go bare foot" I said. I didn't mind going bare foot but Alejandro had other plans, before I could protest he scooped me up into his arms. He carried me to the car and drove us back to the beach house. He didn't even let me walk to the house from the car her carried me, " you know I can walk right" I said to him. " I am aware of that but you have done so much today for me I owe you" I felt kind of touched by his words. I wonder what all this meant for us when we got back home would we end up together or would he go back to Natalia. I fell asleep right away that night but was woken up in the middle of the night by Alejandro. He was in the other room on the phone with someone, I got up and sat on the other side of the wall so he wouldn't notice me. "Natalia please calm down I will be home tomorrow then we can talk", why was he talking to Natalia? "no no please just listen yes I love you we can talk tomorrow yes no one means more to me then you do", What I thought to myself he was using me. I felt tears in my eye I want to cry so bad but I wouldn't let him hurt me like this. I went back to bed and fell asleep, everything and anything between us was dead. I woke up the next morning and kept to myself I packed my bag. We left for the airport right away Alejandro was to busy texting someone and I was sure it was Natalia. On the plane ride I kept my head phones in and ignored everyone, I can't believe I let a guy like him get to me. I felt a small tap on my arm I pulled out my headphones, " Yes" I said. He was the last person I wanted to talk to, " are you ok you haven't talked to me all day are we ok?" he asked. I wanted to yell and scream at him but I kept it short sweet and to the point, " What happened in Rio stays in Rio there is no us or anything I am simply your assistant" I said and threw my headphones in. He looked shocked and a bit sad but he didn't say anything more to me. When we landed I took my own cab home I didn't want to spend anymore time with him. When I finally got home I let everything out I cried so hard I didn't think I would stop. I let myself care about him and all he cared about was hooking up with his next assistant. I finally brought myself together and called Carly I needed a friend and she was the only one who understood. "Hello" she said "hey can you come over I really need a friend" I said trying to hold back more sobs. "what happened in Rio" she asked me, "he picked her and was just using me" I said letting more tears fall. " I am on my way" she said and hung up the phone. Not to long later Carly showed up she didn't say anything she just held me while I cried, when I finally calmed down I told her the story. "wow she is such a whore why would he pick her" she said I just nodded I knew it wouldn't work but yet I let myself get attached. Carly stayed over that night we watched movies and ate pizza, I felt better but I was putting up a wall no more feelings. I woke up with Carly beside me the next morning we both had to go to work but she was able to drive me. She went to her front desk and I went to grab coffee for myself and Alejandro. I didn't make eye contact or even speak to him I just set it down on his desk and went to work.


I didn't understand what was wrong with Ariana she was acting weird. I really did like her there was something so different about her compared to the other girls I had been with. I had received a call my last night in Rio from Natalia she wanted us to become official but didn't think I wanted too. I really wasn't in the mood to deal with her so I told her we would talk when I got back. I wanted to talk to Ari first but she left in her own taxi before I could. I went straight home I wanted to come home and find Ariana here with me but I found nothing. I didn't know why but she made me want to be a better man, I wanted to spoil her with flowers and kisses. I kept thinking back to our first night in Rio together. I wasn't ready to give up I was going to fight.

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