Untitled 31

9 6 1

Poetry by unbrokensmile

You destroyed my world -
Leaving me breathless;
Causing my heart to beat and stop all at once

How did you manage
To break down all my walls
With your simple charm?

Never once did you touch me -
Our skins never brushed;
Far apart
So close

Without lifting a finger
You picked me up;
Mending and gluing me back together

Teaching me
Life was a mess -
That walls were meant to break
And fighting for love was never the norm

But that's what you did;
Fought every battle
Until I loved you back

Because of you,
I'm never alone

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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The Monthly Watt - February IssueWhere stories live. Discover now