Chapter 3 - Retaliation

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Albert sat in the passenger seat as Sin drove him back to his mansion. The young soldier did not seem at all nervous during the drive in fact he was quite the opposite; he was calm cool and collected.

 “You upset?” Albert wiped his reading glasses.

 “No, he broke the rules,” Sin did not break eye contact off the road.

 “Good kid, I’m going to restructure this family.”

 “Oh yeah?” Sin looked each way before driving through a T intersection. 

 "Yeah, I want you to come over and work for me personally…be my protégé,” Albert put his glasses back on.

 Sin pulled the car over to the side of the road his face was full of surprise, “Are you serious? Me?” he tried his best to keep his calm state.

 “Yeah, you are a rarity in these times, there’s not many kids like you who actually stick to traditions.” 

 Sin did not answer he just continued to drive; he knew the less he talked the better. Listen and learn. 

 “Pull over at the park there…we need to take a walk,” Albert pointed at the huge isolated park where there was no one else in sight.

Sin got the umbrella out of the car and held the door open for Albert. The young soldier looked around a little anxious as they walked along the concrete path; it was only natural to feel nervous since his boss was probably being terminated as they casually strolled along.

 “Relax Sin…you think I would bring you out here to kill you after everything I just said?”

 Sin stayed quiet; he did think so.

 “Like I told you I want you to come over and work for me personally along with Mike for some extra security,” Albert kept his eyes on the concrete path, “When Alonzo gets out I’m going to put him over there with Samuele to whip that crew back into shape. This family is being reconstructed.”

 "Evolve?” Sin asked.

 “We have to, but at the same time keep to our roots…make sure we have legitimate sources of income,” Albert stopped and pointed at the concrete path, “See this?”


 “The path,” Albert looked Sin in the eyes, “Giuseppe concreting did this path, we picked up the contract, this is an example of what I’m talking about, use your money to invest in real businesses, think of our other off stream revenue as the cream.”

Sin smiled and nodded; he was not surprised Albert and Alonzo’s business had made this path. The two turned around at the sound of rapid gunfire back in the direction of the car; Sin immediately drew his handgun and scanned the area full circle. Car wheels screeched off in the direction of the car.

The young soldier handed Albert the umbrella while he pulled out his mobile phone and called Mike.

“Fuck…him and Samuele are still taking care of that thing boss.” 

 “Don’t worry about it, we will be fine who ever it was took off anyway.” Just in case. Albert took his own gun out of his jacket as the car came into view.

 Sin was surprised at how little damage there was; the car was mostly bulletproof. Albert realized how naked he felt without having Mike their protecting him; even at Tanya’s he waited on a chair at the bottom of the stairs to her apartment when he visited. He was impressed with how the young soldier handled himself though; he went at the situation head on, and called for backup.

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