Chapter 19 - Gambling

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               Tony held the door open as Chuck and Brendan entered the office. Chuck took out a bottle of rum, a can of soft drink from his desk fridge and poured two drinks.

                 Brendan was still excited as he took a mouthful of his drink, “I got good news.”

                 “Do I have to guess?” Chuck asked, jokingly.

                 “The old guy…I think his name is Peter?”

                 “Yeah, Albert’s gate keeper. What about him?” Chuck asked.

            Brendan took a seat after Chuck did, “Well I was sure it was him at a news stand, and I decided to follow him. The old man led me straight to that pub they own Willows. It was Albert’s man!”

                 Chucks face lit up with happiness at the news, “Who else was there?”

                 “I couldn’t see anyone else he disappeared around to a back door.”

                 “Follow him, and make sure he is taken care of,” Chuck said, sternly.

            “Yes,” Brendan cleared his throat, “Can I talk to you about something?”

            “What?” Chuck asked, cautiously.

            Brendan scratched the stubble on his cheek nervously; “A few of the guys are a bit worried after what happened to Damien.”

            “They should,” Chuck said.

            Brendan sighed a little, “I know you’re mad about Damien, but you got boys with you that have been there since the start. I mean when we had nothing and could have easily turned to fertilizer.”

            Chuck agreed, “I know, but this isn’t a game we’re playing here, you lose this one and your dead, you know what I mean?” 

            “I know, but just something to keep in mind boss, not everyone is after your job,” Brendan said, calmly. He was close to Chuck, he did not hang around him all the time like Philip, Tony, and the others, but the two understood each other. 

            “Alright, let me think about what to do, okay?” Chuck said, as he stood up out of his luxurious armchair.

            Brendan drove the black family car throughout the industrial neighborhood of Contro. Michael sat in the passenger seat, dressed in his usual sneakers, training shorts, singlet, and gold chains; he dressed like a basketball player, but was too fat to be taken for a serious athlete. In the back Charlie had his hoody pulled over his headphones and concealed his hangover with glasses. He bobbed his head to the music as the car followed the old man in front of them.

            The three hunters kept their distance as Peter entered Giuseppe Concreting to be greeted excitedly by a few of the young wannabes working there.

            “What’s the big deal about this old mutt?” Michael asked.

            “He’s one of Albert’s top guys,” Brendan said, annoyed.

            “So why the fuck has Chuck got us three bosses doing it? My boys could have handled this shit,” Michael said, taking the handgun out of the dashboard.

            “I don’t know, but that is how he wants it,” Brendan said, firmly.

            “We going to hit him in the car?” Charlie asked, taking his head phones off.

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