Chapter 1

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My mother gripped my hands tightly, and it felt as if she was never going to let go

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My mother gripped my hands tightly, and it felt as if she was never going to let go. I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable seeing as people had
started to stare.

"Mother, I think I'll be fine." I spoke swiftly, still looking around to see if anybody was still staring. They were.

She pulled away from me and wiped a tear from her eye.

"I know sweetheart. I know, but it's not everyday your little girl transfers all the way from Ilvermorny to Hogwarts. You're going to be more than a thousand miles away." Mother stressed.

I glanced at the train whose whistle had already blown once.

"Don't worry. I'll write every week." I promised. I grabbed my trunk and my owl, Darcy's, cage.

"I have to go now or I'll miss the train. Bye!" I exclaimed before running off to the train.

I looked back to my mother who was waving at me, then I quickly got on the train before I had the thought of running back to her.

I took a deep breath before entering into the hallway the compartments were at.

A sea of unfamiliar faces clouded my vision as I tried to find an empty compartment. My face visibly showed my distress as I looked desperately for somewhere to sit.

I opened one door of a compartment that looked empty to see a young girl and a platinum-haired boy sitting together. The girl was snuggled up to him while the boy looked awfully uncomfortable.

The girl's head shot up, revealing her pug-like features. She glared at me.

"Did no one ever teach you to knock?" She sneered.

I apologized then quickly shut the door and ran far from that compartment.

By the time I reached the end of the train I decided I would just sit in the hallway. It'd be easier and more roomy to do that.

I set my trunk down against the wall and placed Darcy's cage next to it. I plopped down with them and pulled out a book.

Hogwarts a History. My mother made me get that book so I could know Hogwarts more.

I flipped through the pages, sucking in the information.

Suddenly, a small toad hopped into view with no owner in sight. I looked at it curiously before scooping it up in my hands.

"Who do you belong to?" I asked it. It croaked, but of course, I don't don't speak toad.

I chuckled lightly before returning to my book, still holding the toad close to me so I could return it to its owner later.

Slowly I began to drift off. My head bobbing as if I was listening to music, until I slumped over in sleep.


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