Chapter 3

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I blew the strand of hair out of my mouth that somehow kept finding its way back and twiddled my quill in between my fingers while listening to Professor Snape drone on and on about some random potion

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I blew the strand of hair out of my mouth that somehow kept finding its way back and twiddled my quill in between my fingers while listening to Professor Snape drone on and on about some random potion.

I had easily adjusted to the new school and quickly learned my way around, but still hadn't really clicked with anyone else like I had with the twins.

Luckily we were in the same house so we had almost all our classes together. I sat next with one twin on each side of me in those classes, and somehow we haven't been separated.

"Mrs. Quincy, could you tell me where to find them," Snape's monotone voice inquired.

My eyes shot up to the front of the classroom, frantically searching for whatever he was asking for.

"I - uhh, in the Black Forest?" I guessed hopefully.

"Correct, but maybe next time you could pay attention to the lesson instead of relying on luck to get the answer right." Snape snapped.

I turned bright red and hid my face. I felt Fred poke my side.

"Don't worry Mel, he's like that with everyone, and he probably only said it like that because he was mad that you got it right," he assured me.

I smiled at him for the attempt at making me feel less embarrassed.

The rest of the lesson I made sure to take extra notes and listen carefully to every word that came out of Snape's mouth.


"I still don't understand how your handwriting is perfect. Makes copying your notes so much easier," George joked.

The trio sat in the courtyard during a free period and did their homework from the classes before.

"Haha, very funny George." I retorted.

He chuckled.

The cool breeze felt somewhat calming on my face, but seeing the black figures still flying steadily across the sky made me feel sick to my stomach.

"I wish they would just go ahead and find Sirius Black already." I commented quietly. My mother had already written to me about how careful I need to be.

"Don't worry too much about that. He'll be caught, and even if he's not, do you think we'll let anything happen to you?" Fred asked seriously.

Both the twins held a serious look on their faces as they awaited my answer.

"Of course not, I just hate the way these dementors make me feel," I sighed, glancing up again at the sky.

George closed his books and began to shove them all back into his bag while Fred quickly did the same.

I stared at them in confusion with a furrowed brow.

"Wait, where are we going?" I asked quickly as they each grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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