Chaper 17

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     The last few days I've noticed a change in Nova. She seems happier, brighter. She hasn't had a nightmare in almost a week, I'm happy about it but I don't want to say anything in case I jinx it. Sawyer finally came back to work since MerryAnne was released from the hospital.

     She's staying with her parents while she recovers, but Sawyer visits every day, even when all she does is sit in silence.

     Today, Nova and I have spent the morning lazing around in bed. She flicks through Netflix while laying back against my chest, and I can't think of a better way to spend my day. I run my fingers through her hair and feel fireworks when the strands brush against the bare skin of my chest.

"If you don't stop doing that I'm going to fall asleep." Her voice drops to a husky, sleepy mumble that makes me smile.

"How would that be a bad thing?" I bend my head down and press a kiss to her neck. I don't miss how it makes her breath hitch.

"Because then I can't fully enjoy the lazy day. And that would make me very sad. We never get to just lay like this, and I've found that I quite enjoy it." She stretches out her legs and back before settling back in against me. "Now, Supernatural or Sherlock?"

"That's to difficult of a question. Either flip a coin or go alphabetical." I reply, but I'm not really paying attention to the tv. I'm thinking about the box I have in my nightstand less than a foot away.

For over a week it has been sitting there, waiting for just the right moment. When Nova told me about MerryAnne's attack, I was having lunch with my father while he showed me the family ring. The firstborn sons in my family have proposed with with same ring for as long as anyone can remember.

When I came of legal age my mother followed tradition and bought an anniversary band, so that when I found my mate the rings would be free to give.

With Nova's attention firmly rooted on Sherlock, I slowly pull the box from the drawer and open it over her head. I stare at it for a moment. The band is a plain platinum, with a large rectangular opal in the middle. It is surrounded first by individual diamonds, and then again by a seemingly solid border of dark blue sapphires.

There is no doubt that it is far from what today's society would call the perfect ring, but I can't imagine giving her anything else. I've been battling myself for weeks over when to do this. I've really only known her a month, but I've been waiting for her for almost twenty years. She's the one for me, even if we weren't already soulmates I would still want her to be mine.

Novalee begins to shift in my lap, and I quickly and quietly pull the ring from its velvet nest and slip it into my pocket.

"Are you hungry?" She turns her face up to meet mine and I can't help but drop a quick kiss upon her lips.

"A little. What do you want?" She smiles up at me before slipping out of the bed and skipping to the door.

"Don't worry about it, I'll be right back!" Novalee yells back as she runs down the stairs.

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself. I don't think I've ever been so nervous. What if this is too soon? But then again, I don't know if I can hold this in much longer. If I do I'm afraid I might just yell it out at some randomly inappropriate moment, and wouldn't that be an awkward proposal story to tell at our engagement party? And that's assuming she says yes! Needing some encouragement, I pull out my phone and text Sawyer.

D: I need help. I'm going to propose today and I'm freaking out.

S: calm your tits, what's the problem?

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