Who am I and what qualifies me to talk about how to do well on Wattpad?

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Who am I and what qualifies me to talk about how to do well on Wattpad?

I'm a big fan of asking this question when evaluating whether one should read a "success" guide on Wattpad versus another.

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of "Wattpad Success" guides on Wattpad itself. The very first thing I do before reading on, is to check the author's profile.


Because if the author herself isn't doing well, how effective do you think the advice will be? It might work, or it might not, but if it worked great, why isn't the author having success?

Another example of this are guides on "How to write well". For these, I try and check the credentials of the author. Are they a published author? An agent? Some guy off the street?

Why go through the trouble of doing that?

Well, if you're going to take the effort to learn a skill or get good at something, it is much more preferable  to learn a skill from someone who's really done it before versus someone who just understands it in concept.

So without further ado, allow me to answer the above question for you:

1) I've made the first page of the Hot List in FIVE categories: Sci/Fi, Fantasy, Paranormal, Mystery/Thriller and Non-fiction. I've also made #1 in BOTH Sci/Fi and Fantasy Categories. And not just that, I've made #1 in BOTH SF/Fantasy categories at the SAME TIME.

2) My book has been Featured on the front page of Wattpad. And I'm currently a Featured Author.

3) I was a Finalist in the 2013 Watty Awards in SciFi/Fantasy. For a short time, I took a risk and gave up my Featured Story status (Featured Stories are not allowed to enter the Watty Awards because of their unfair advantage) so I could enter the Watty Awards - it worked! :)

4) I'm also *sometimes* on Wattpad's "Most Popular" list (the 200 most popular "trending" users on Wattpad), on and off. Not sure if that really matters in this context, but there you go, LOL!

5) Excluding the non-fiction category, I managed to do all of the above, in less than a year of being on Wattpad!!!

6) Since then, I've cracked the million-read mark TWICE on two different books, which is more significant, because it has become MUCH HARDER to crack a million reads after March 2013. Did you know that WP changed their algorithm early in 2013 such that it has made it extremely difficult to crack a million reads? It's true and that's just one of many secrets.

7)I've also managed to get a second book make it into Featured Stories, and by the way, it's a lot easier the second time around! :D

In other words, I've gotten very real results from the tricks I am about to teach you, and I've gotten those results in a short amount of time!

Am I special?

Not at all!

Since writing this book, I have heard from countless people who have achieved the exact same results I have from reading this guide, a few of them even surpassing my own results!

Bottom line - if you'd like to be part of the group that achieves results, stick around, and make sure you actually put what I teach into practice. If you do, you will see results.* It is as simple as that.

* Side note: every book has its own potential on Wattpad. Your mileage may vary, but this guide will help your book achieve it's highest potential on Wattpad.

Anyway, read on to the next page for the super secret magic fairy dust! :D

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