Biologe Trouble

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Sebastian sat in the biology room. The clock ticked aimlessly and Sebastian sighed. His head was aching and he was tapping his foot slowly below his desk. He needed a coffee and badly. His teacher, Mr Morris just droned on miserably. The old geezer had barely two strands of white hair on his wrinkled, prune-like scalp. His belly was bulging from a life of beer and his nose stuck out of his face at an awkward angle. Sebastian wanted to punch the pathetic looking creature in the face to right his wonky nose. Still time seemed to trickle by.

Sebastian ran a hand through his messy hair. This morning he just couldn't be bothered styling it so he leg it hang limply around his face. Sebastian tapped his pencil on the table, in a slow and rhythmical beat. He knew that the new directions had seen him asleep and even worse they saw him feint. Sebastian gritted his teeth, they actually seemed to care enough to pretend to care. He hated it. In the past few weeks since the Lima Bean incident he had seen several of the new directions stalking him. He saw Blaine at Lima, he saw Kurt when he was going to Warbler practise and worst of all he kept on seeing the entire group in public places he just happened to be.

Speaking of the Warbler's, they had been watching him as well. It made Sebastian's skin crawl every time one of them offered him help or he caught them staring. He would have to tighten up his act, he hadn't had the forethought to think that other people would be curious if he acted differently. Not that he tried to. It was just what he had been feeling. He was going to have to start pretending or go up in flames trying.

"Mr Smythe?" Sebastian felt Wes kick the back of his chair.

Sebastian turned his attention to Mr Morris, "yes sir?"

"As I was asking," the old man turned to his chalk board and pointed to three patterns, Bb=B, BB=B bb=b, "what is this pattern in genetics called. Sebastian's mind went blank as he stared at the letters, try as he might nothing was coming to him, he knitted his eyebrows together and choked out a few syllables, but none that made sense. The old teacher rolled his eyes, "pay attention Smythe or we will have issues," the teacher went back to teaching and Sebastian went back to sizzling in a pot of fury. He was paying attention, he just... forgot.

The bell finally rang to release Sebastian from the slow moving biology class of Mr Morris. He was the first to leave, however, the old sandbag called him back. "Smythe, you are not going anywhere, come here," Sebastian traded a glance with Wes who looked genuinely worried for him. However Sebastian couldn't care less, he rolled his eyes and  pushed past giggling students to make his way to the teacher who immediately planted a sheet of paper on his wooden desk. How he loathed this man. Sebastian raised an eyebrow as he studied the sheet, it was his handwriting for sure, however it was messier than usual and the number of crosses heavily outweighed that of the ticks. "Mr Smythe, I don't know why you thought it was acceptable to hand in this awful excuse for homework on Monday, however if you do such things again you and I will be taking a trip to see the Principle, are you clear?"

"Crystal," Sebastian said through gritted teeth.

The teacher flicked his wrist signalling for Sebastian to leave. He did so, but not without a seed of furry being planted in his chest. That man was so infuriating. The student turned heel and strode out of the empty classroom, when he left he was immediately met with the angry faces of Trent and Wes, "what the hell did the geyser want?" Wes asked.

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "he wanted to nag my ear off about my unsatisfactory homework,"

Trent and Wes shared a confused look and turned back to an annoyed Sebastian, "what was wrong with your homework?" Trent asked softly.

"I failed it by sixty percent," Sebastian spat and he glared at the two Warblers before disappearing into the stream of kids.

Blaine and Kurt sat on Kurt's bed. Blaine had his arm wrapped around Kurt's shoulder as he silently cried. The room was dark, the only light source was the tv, which just made silhouettes of objects and cast long shadows. The bed was the only colour the boys could make out and it was cream, so there was not much to look at aside from the glaring TV screen. Kurt stifled a sniff as he watched the old man on screen tell his beloved goodbye for the last and final time. I love you.

The quiet and sereneness of the room was torn apart when Blane's phone rang. Blaine and Kurt shared a look. It was Trent. Kurt paused the Tv as Blaine answered the phone and put it on speaker. "Hello?" Blaine asked quietly.

"Blaine, its Trent and Wes," the unmistakable voice of Trent rang through the eerie silence of the room. Kurt got up and turned on the lights after returning slowly to sit beside Blaine on the bed as confusion stirred in them both.

"What's up?" Blaine asked as he scrunched his eyebrows together.

"You know how you asked us to keep an eye Sebastian a couple of weeks ago?" Wes asked.

"Of course," Blaine replied as he felt a cold fear tug at his gut, "is he ok?"

"Yes he's fine, well I mean he is but he isn't," Trent said.

However before Blaine could question him Wes took over, "he doesn't look so good, he isn't as enthusiastic at Warbler practise, we barely see him and the other day he failed a homework assignment by sixty percent,"

Blaine raised his eyebrows, "has he never failed like that before?"

"No," Trent sighed, "he never slacked off, not once, only now,"

There was a moment of silence on both sides of the phone, "what do you need me to do?" Blaine fiddled with a button on his cardigan.

"W-we don't know, we are just a bit worried about him," Trent sounded like he was really upset, "no matter what he has done, once a Warbler..."

"Always a Warbler," Blaine finished off the sentence with a sad smile. Which didn't go unnoticed by Kurt, "look, are you ok with me telling the rest of the New Directions, I could see what they come up with?" Blaine offered.

"Yeah, that's brilliant, tha-" Wes was cut off by the sound of a door slamming shut. Silence.

"Who you talking to?" Sebastian's voice sounded out of Blaine's phone. Blaine and Kurt held their breaths.

"Oh just Blaine," Wes replied.

"Why?" Sebastian interrogated them. Even though the two boys couldn't see the Warbler in question they could hear exhaustion and boredness rolling off his voice in waves.

"He was giving us advice on dating," Trent blurted out.

There was a silence. "O-ok then... tell him I said hi," Sebastian was clearly unsure of what the hell was going on.

"Will do," Wes replied. The sound of Sebastian sitting down in the room was very evident, "right, so call me if you think up any more genius pick up lines,"

Sebastian snorted in the background. "Yup, will do, I will, yes, definitely, all the pick up lines... yup," Blaine just hung up, he was always a terrible liar. Sebastian knew something was up, but he just didn't care enough to say anything.

"Smooth," Kurt rolled his eyes.

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