Epilogue - Part 1

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Ten years later and Sebastian stared down at the envelope in his hands, it was white with a golden rim. He sighed as he sat down on his dining room table. His apartment was small, but he liked it that way, there was more than enough room for him. Everything was music themed, after all, that's what drove his life, music, even if he was a surgeon. Sebastian ran a hand through his sleeked back hair and sighed before her ripped open the top on the letter. He pulled it open. On the top it had the new McKinley school of arts logo. Sebastian laughed as he realised what this letter was. He opened up the letter and read it with a smile on his face.

Dear Sebastian Smythe,
You have been invited to a reunion of the Glee Club the New Directions. The event shall be held in the school of McKinley High and will be set on Friday, April the Seventh from twelve onwards. All previous members are invited and would be a delight to have at the event. All family members or friends of the club members are invited to join us in our celebrations of the past.
Yours Sincerely
William Shue
P.S.- sorry for the late notice Sebastian, you weren't easy to find.

Sebastian burst out laughing, he wasn't easy to find, he supposed that was a good thing. April Seventh, however, was in two days, and it would at least take Sebastian a day to drive there from Manhattan. Luckily he was on holiday for a while to. He had better get packing. "Why are you laughing daddy?" A small and childish voice asked from the doorway of the kitchen. A small girl had a frown that was much to serious for her face. Her chestnut brown hair was pulled into pigtails and her two striking blue eyes were screwed up in confusion.

"Nothing sweetie, but could you do me a massive favour," Sebastian placed his envelope on the table and gestured for the girl to come closer.

She ran happily towards him, so he hoisted her up into his arms, "anything," she giggled.

"Could you pack yourself a bag for going away for a few days?" He asked.

"Yes daddy," she smiled and Sebastian out her down so she could carry out her given task. He watched her run out of the room in an exited flurry, and he couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm.

The next morning Sebastian rose early, he wanted to get to Ohio before nightfall so that he could book into a hotel without any issues. He grumble as he rubbed his eyes and opened the door to his daughters room. It was very dark, but Sebastian could make out her pink bed sheets and hoards of stuffed animals that lay by her bed. He sat down on the bed next to her sleeping form. She looked like an angel in her sleep, she was so peaceful it was unnatural. He shook her shoulder slightly, "sweetie, its wakey, wakey time," he whispered in a soft voice. She murmured something inaudible in her sleep and grumbled as she turned away from him. Sebastian rolled his eyes, "we are going on a road trip today," he said in an exited tone. Her eyes shot open and she looked at him with a cheeky grin. That was more like it.

Sebastian strapped his daughter down into the backseat of his car, she was playing happily with a toy whilst he did so. His car wasn't massive, but it was quite big compared to the average. Once he knew she was secure he climbed into his own seat and started the car. The sound of the engines purring made him relax into his seat. He pulled out of his parking space and they were off. The inside of his car was surprisingly clean and tidy, it even smelled like jelly beans. "Daddy?" She asked as she rested the toy in her lap.

"Yes?" He replied softly.

"Where are we going?" It only just occurred to Sebastian that he hadn't told her where they were going.

"We are going to Ohio," he told her.

She scrunched up her face in confusion, "where is that?"

Sebastian wasn't sure what to say, she wasn't the best at geography, "it's a little ways away," he told her.

"Oh... how long will it take us to get there?" She asked as she tilted her head to the side. Sebastian made eye contact with her in his mirror.

He pretended to think really hard, "oh a long, long time," he said, she seemed content with that answer.

It wasn't a long time until she thought of something new to ask, "why are we going to Ohio?"

"To see some of dad's old friends," Sebastian told her.

"Are they nice?" She asked unsurely.

"Yes, they are very, very nice," he told her.

"That's good," she giggled. A small smile crossed Sebastian's face. This child was so innocent and small, she was the light of his life.

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