Disapointment Is Unsatisfactory

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Sebastian sat in the back of his fathers car, he held his head in his hands. The silence was driving him insane. He was alone in the car, which was parked in the Dalton parking lot. He waited for what felt like forever, the leather seats were comfy though. The pungent smell of new car was making his head ache. Outside the sun was still high in the sky, even though it was five. Sebastian hugged his backpack to his chest and he held in the emotion that threatened to come spilling out. There he goes, he did it again. He disappointed his father. All to soon, the furious form of Wesley Smythe emerged from Dalton Academy, red in the face with anger. Sebastian felt fear rip at his insides as the rage monster got into the car's drivers seat and slammed the door. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" Sebastian's father yelled.

"I-I," Sebastian squeaked, he was too afraid to form words properly.


"I'm sorry," Sebastian whimpered.

"You'd better be," the older man hissed as he started the car and swiftly drove off, "I don't know what's worse, you failing biology because you cheated and then lied about cheating or that you assaulted a teacher and claimed he was trying to provoke you!" A tense silence gripped the car, "never in all my years as your father have I ever been so utterly disappointed by you," Sebastian was overcome by guilt and sorrow. His father was right, he was just a disappointment, he disappointed the school, his father and the Warblers, as well as the New Directions in one attempt. They had to perform without him. He really was the worlds biggest screw up.

The deafening sound of cheering and laughter bounced off every wall in the changing room. The Warblers and the New Directions celebrated how well the had performed. "WE DID IT!" Wes cried. Their faces were red and joy radiated off the celebrating group. "THREE CHEERS FOR KURT!" Wes yelled. The whole room turned to Kurt and cheered him on, he had been magnificent.

Kurt turned red as he looked at the ground in embarrassment. Blaine laughed loudly and hugged him into his chest as though he was a teddy bear. The teens revelled in their happiness as they all got changed and chatted at the same time. It was all to long until most of the students had filtered out the changing room, only leaving Mercedes and Rachel. "You were brilliant," Rachel squeaked.

"Thank you, but you were so good, and that high note though," Mercedes praised her.

Rachel smiled, "thank you," she seemed a little lost in thought, "we should totally work with the Warblers again it was brilliant. Rachel packed up her bright pink performance bag as Mercedes sat on a changing room bench, waiting for her.

"I know right, they were such gentlemen, even Sebastian" Mercedes snorted.

"Don't be too tough on him, he learned a lesson and he is trying to change his ways," Rachel reasoned.

"True," Mercedes admitted. There was a knock on the door, "hello?" Mercedes called with a side glance at Rachel.

The door opened to reveal Mr Shue standing with a triumphant smile, "you were brilliant ladies," he congratulated them.

"Thank you Mr Shue," the girls said in unison.

Mr Schue entered the room and gave them a massive hug, he was radiating with pride, he broke free from their embrace and he looked at them. His brow furrowed slightly, "what happened to Sebastian, he wasn't on stage?" He asked.

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