Chapter 1

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          The summer had gone by faster than I had expected, days spent locked up in an office and weekend hangouts with Dinah and Normani will do that to you I guess. Since moving here the couple and I have grown close. They were practically my second family here, feeding me since I couldn't cook to save my life, keeping me sane by taking me out when needed. Other than the fact that I always felt like a third wheel with them, I loved having them around.

Dinah didn't lie when she said Lauren would be leaving for the summer because she was gone when I moved in and she was right when she said I wouldn't even notice if she was home because according to her she got home two days ago and I had yet to see her enter or exit her apartment. Tonight was the traditional end of summer grill out, Dinah explained to me that since all the tenants worked or attended the university the night before the fall semester starts they have a huge BBQ and invite family and friends. I wasn't sure how I would feel about being surrounded by strangers but at least I knew Dinah and Normani. I've talked to Shawn and his wife Lucy a few times but other than cordial conversations nothing has come of it. I know he's a health professor of sorts and has been published by the medical journal a couple of times now and I know he just turned 30 because I attended his birthday dinner and truthfully he doesn't look a day over 25 with his soft pale skin complexion , short and wavy formally loose combed over dark brown hair, Perly white straight teeth, dark brown eyes. He's built, yet slim and a fairly tall guy and from seeing him constantly with a gym bag he's a healthy dude. He also seems like a really serious guy and it intimidates me. As for his wife Lucy, I don't know much but I do know she's an art student of sorts and a few years younger than her husband, I'd say about five or six maybe my age. She's average height, very thin with straight, long brown hair, bright white smile, and dark brown eyes. From what I can tell she's one of those free spirit types, which sort of confuses me because her husband seems so up tight. But that's love for you right? Confusing and irrational at times. They seem really happy and in love, and according to Dinah they are and they have also been married for almost 3 years now. And not to sound judgmental at all but she must of been really young at that time maybe 21 or 22 while he was around 27. Which is honestly not bad considering some people marry someone twice their age.

Lauren? I don't know much about Lauren other than the fact that she's a 27 year old genius. A literal genius. She got her doctorate at the very young age of 20 and has been a marine biologist ever since. I know she's a very socially awkward person according to my dear friend Dinah. But that's about all I know, Dinah and Normani don't talk much about her to me and I'm afraid if I ask they'll suspect something and since last time Lauren pretended not to know me I figured she didn't want them to know about our one night stand.


Dressed in some daisy duke shorts, black tank top under my beige knit cardigan and fluffy brown slipper moccasins and let's not forget my imitation of a cute messy bum, I sat in the outdoor couch next to Dinah, drinking beer from my red solo cup while people around us mingled and Shawn stood tall at the grill. Everyone seemed happy and slightly buzzed, but no one with emerald green eyes was around. Dinah had said she promised to show up but so far she was a big no show. Not that I cared or anything...okay maybe I cared a little. Can you blame me though? Me a future romance novelist. It's like ones dream to find the perfect mysterious, gorgeous girl to write a story about. There is just something about her, that draws me to her, that makes me want to know her. I can't help but want to know her.

"Mila?...Camila?!" Dinah waved her hand cross my face, getting my attention.

"Huh?...what's up?" I answered, shaking myself out of my dreamy thoughts.

"I asked if you wanted another drink...that look on your face...where did you go?" She questioned me, squinting her eyes and a smirk on her lips.

"Nowhere...but I could use another drink" I say avoiding her gaze, god I hope I didn't give myself away. "Where did you say the keg was?" I ask, looking around for it, now I feel bad I didn't help set up.

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