Chapter 7

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         I had no idea what Lauren meant by "she had my outfit covered" but when I herd my moms scream at the early ours of the morning, I figured I was just about to find out. My mother ran up the stairs and busted into my room with another wrapped gift box.

"Karla wake up!! I think Lauren is proposing!!" She squealed loudly.

"No she is not mami." I mumbled into the pillow I threw over my face.

"Then why would she send over this beautiful gown, it's obvious she plans on taking you out to an extravagant date to end the day with getting down on one knee." She cheered, you had no idea how much my mother wanted this to happen. Also I can't believe she opened a gift that was meant for me.

"She's not proposing mami, it's for some sort of gathering her peers are throwing ." I explain, turning her bright cheery smile into a disappointing scowl. I don't have the heart to tell her Lauren and I ended our relationship, mostly because it still doesn't seem real to me either. That's the main reason I haven't broken down yet either.

"Well she might as well be if she's spending this much money on you. Its beautiful. Do you realize how expensive this gown is?" My mom said, as she pulled it out of the gift box, it really was a beautiful dress.

I knew my mothers intentions were good. She wanted me to have the fairy tale love she has, she just wanted me to be happy. And I really want that too.

I spent the rest of the morning with my family, enjoying the last few hours I had with them. They had a flight back to Miami to catch tonight. They had picked out a house and found a perfect office space for my father but wouldn't be moving out here for a few weeks. My mother insisted on helping me get ready and she drooled over the way I looked the whole time it was a silver bead and sequin-embellished neck gown, which I paired with a metal jewel-encrusted Jacob & Co choker, long, beachy waves and subtle makeup.

When Lauren showed up looking more dapper than ever, I knew it was no simple gathering. This was a big event and she completely played it down. It almost felt like prom all over again with they way my mother had us take pictures and pose. My father was really impressed with the car Lauren had rented for us, over the last few days my father and Lauren had bonded and became friends? I'm not sure exactly what they are. All the men and women I had dated in the past didn't come close to how much my father liked Lauren, which sucked now more than ever.

"You look absolutely stunning." Lauren complimented me, once we were finally alone and away from my intrusive family.

"You look very beautiful as well." I complimented her right back. Not going to lie it was awkward at first but to be fair most conversation with Lauren started off awkward so it was something I grew accustomed to.

     Forty or so minutes later we were pulling up to the valet station in front of the aquarium entrance, it felt odd being here again. All the memories we created that afternoon kept replaying in my head and it made my heart hurt a little. I was doing my best not to think about our break up because I knew the moment I said it out loud it would become real and I'd break down. I was surprised when she held out a hand for me to take, I didn't even notice her getting out of the car let alone walking around and opening the door for me. We walked up to the main entrance with my arm wrapped around her elbow. Unlike last time the place was packed to the rim, people in suits and beautiful dresses all around, waiters walking around with finger foods and champagne flutes. We were lead to our table which had assigned seating, it felt good to see my name written in cursive next to Lauren's. Looking around the place looked the same as last time, only full of white cloth tables and splashes of blue and gold fabric. It looked really elegant. Right in front of the open sea tank they had created a small stage with a wooden podium at the center and a giant gold Michael Jauregui. banner.

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