Chapter 5

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Lauren and I were on cloud nine since our open conversation a few weeks back. Lauren began to open up more to me and I enjoyed every second of it. It's not much but this is Lauren we're talking about so not much is already a lot for her. We were definitely in the honeymoon face of our relationship. And today was no exception because It was Valentine's Day and It was probably one of my favorite holidays only because it was a day dedicated to love. I hadn't seen Lauren since Wednesday mornings she was stuck in the lab during the late hours of the night and since she got out really late she decided not to come over and wake me. And since today was a day of surprises I figured she was ignoring me to keep me on my toes about what she had planned for the rest of today.

So I waited and waited and nothing happened. No text, no call...nothing. It was almost 11:00pm when she finally knocked on my door. I was furious, because for one she was extremely late and she had shown up empty handed. Not that gifts mattered much to me but it would be nice to get apology flowers or something.

"Hey, I just got home and I saw your light was on so I figured I'd come over." She said nonchalantly as she let her body fall back on the couch.

" have no idea what today is do you?!" I asked pissed off and in disbelief. How could she be out all day in a campus full of stupid cut out pink and red hearts and stupid Valentine's Day decorations and not know what today was?

"Wait are we really doing that whole monthly anniversary thing? I thought it was just for young people?" She asked sounding a little annoyed, also did she consider herself old?

"Today is the 14th our anniversary is on the 27th." I gritted out.

"I knew that." She adds quickly. "Okay so if today isn't our anniversary then what's today?" She asks scratching her head and yawning.

"You seriously didn't notice what today was while you were on campus?!" I yelled out at her a little louder than I should have.

"No? Ive spent the all day today and yesterday in the lab. I have to publish a paper soon and I needed to double check my data. And I have to finish my portfolio for possible new investors. I can't have any errors so I have to make sure my research and all the data I've collect is solid." She explained and I would've felt bad if I wasn't so upset. "What is it that I missed today that has you so upset?" She finally asked, running her palms down her face a little frustrated.

"You forgot Valentine's Day! The most romantic day of the year! I spent all day waiting around for you to come pick me up and whisk me away and you didn't show up! That's what has me so fucken upset!" I was pissed off and probably yelled at her when I shouldn't have.

"Are you serious? Valentine's Day? The whole backstory of Valentine's Day doesn't make sense a midget with wings hits you with arrows full of "love" what is that? Its an invented holiday made for greeting card companies to make money, for flower shops to sell flowers etc. I don't consider this a holiday because it's so stupid." She tried reasoning with me but I wasn't having her or her logic.

I sighed frustrated with her, with myself and with this situation. "You know what...just go home. I'm not in the mood to be around you right now." I said kicking her out, I was too tired to argue tonight.

"I think your overreacting but I'll give you your space." She said getting up and leaving.


Friday late morning there was a knock on my door, I got up from my chair were I was drinking my morning coffee and scrolling down my instagram feed to answer the door. There was nobody there but a large white box with a red bow wrapped around it and a greeting card sitting on top.

Live Again (Camren) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن