*You're favorite way to cuddle*

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Liam: You love when Liam spoons you, you feels so protected.

Louis: Louis loves to hold you in his lap like a child and rock you.

Harry: Harry likes to squish on the couch with you pressed against his chest.

Niall: Niall loves when you spoon him, he loves to feel your arms around him.

Zayn: You love it when Zayn let's you lay on top of him, as he plays with your hair.


{A/N: Haiiiiiii!!! I know I haven't updated anything in foreverrrrrr! Sowwwwwy about that heh, I've been pretty busy you know! It's not all about Watt Pad... actually it's really not cx uhhhhhmmmm yeahhhhhh so I guess I'll talk to ya'll laterrrrrr baiiiiiiii


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