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Cassandra's POV

I'm walking down the halls of Britwood High School with my best friend Summer as I open the door to the parking lot. The cool January air hits my face making a shiver run down my back. The ground is covered with a blanket of snow making it look like a winter wonderland.

"Are you listening to me?" Summer's voice breaks my thoughts.

"W-What? Oh, um..." I stuttered out.

"I asked what you're doing later, I thought maybe we could hang out."

"I told you earlier, my parents are leaving for Australia tonight and the sitter is coming so I can't have friends over." I said.

"Oh yeah... But I can come over later this week right?" She asked opening the door to her car.

"Well my parents said no friends over this week because I'm in trouble..." I said looking down at the ground.

"What'd you get into trouble for?"

"For not picking up Ben from school... He was left standing outside of the school when it was below freezing..." I said looking down ashamed.

Summer started laughing and clapping her hands.

"You forgot your own brother when it was below freezing?!"


"Is that why you have to have a sitter?" She asked finally able to control her laughing.

"Yeah, they said if I couldn't even remember to pick up my own brother from school then there was no way they were leaving him with me for a week."

"Well I wouldn't either." Summer said getting in her car.

"Bye! See ya later." She shouted before closing her car door.

I yelled a 'bye' back then got in my piece of junk (my truck) and pulled out of the school parking lot.

* * *

I got out of my truck and headed for the front door.

"I'm home!" I yelled from the door kicking off my shoes and taking off my coat.

"I'm in here!" I heard my mothers voice call from the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen where I saw my mother fixing some kind of soup.

"I'm making you, Ben and the sitter potato soup." She said stirring the so called 'soup'.

My mother never was a very good cook but then again, neither am I.

"Speaking of the sitter when will she be here?" I asked stepping towards the gross looking chunky liquid.

"In about thirty minutes." I looked up at the clock above the sink to see it was 5:30pm.

"Well I better be getting my suitcase in the car." My mother said and headed up stairs.

I decided just to watch some TV.

* * *

"Now make sure to use your manners and do whatever she says and be NICE." My mother said.

I just rolled my eyes, I already knew to do that. I don't know why she had to tell us.

"Okay, I love you." She said giving my little brother Ben a huge hug then giving me one.

I didn't really hug back, I was still mad at her for not trusting me with Ben. Yes, I know I forgot him but I didn't mean to, she just doesn't believe me.

"I love you guys, the sitter should be here in a few minutes. You think you can handle Ben?" My mother asked looking straight at me.

"Yes mom, I'm pretty sure I can handle him for a few minutes." I said annoyed.

Psycho Sitter - Harry Styles COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now