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Cassandra's POV

It's been about an hour since the man had slapped me and went into the kitchen. In that past hour all I've heard is glass being thrown and shattering, I'm still holding Ben in my lap. I look down to see my little brother asleep in my arms.

I look over to the fireplace sitting on top a clock it reading '11:46pm'. Just then I hear the man coming back into the living room. My hands start to sweat and shake, they have always done that when I'm scarred or nervous. I look down at Ben pulling him closer to me.

"Get up" He says annoyed.

I do what he says and get up heading for the stairs.

"Oh yeah, there's a mess in the kitchen... You can clean up." I let out a groan and continued walking up the stairs.

Once in the hall way I head for the first door on the left opening the door and setting Ben down on his twin size bed. I pull the duvet up over his chest and kiss his forehead then head back down the steps. Even though Ben may get on my nerves sometimes, deep down I still love him.

Once I'm back in the living room I see the man sitting on the couch messing with his phone. I some how gain enough courage and walk over to the man.

"What's your name and why are you here?" I blurt out.

He looks up from his phone and says,

"That's none of your business." He snaps at me.

"Well at least tell me your name." I ask hoping to get something out of him.

"Harry." his deep voice rings.

"Now go clean up the kitchen." He smirks and looks back down at his phone.

"No." The word slipped out before I knew what I was saying, he looks back up at me with a shocked expression.

"What?" He growls and stands up.

I take a step back but still hold my ground. His height towers over me. I look him straight in the eyes and say with all my courage,

"No." The thing that happens next shocks me.

He slaps me across the face sending me to the ground holding my right cheek. I feel the tears coming, I try to hold them back not wanting him to see me weak but one slips out anyways. He gets down to my level and says,

" 'No' will never be an answer to me." And with that he got up and went off somewhere.

I laid there for a few minutes just letting the tears fall not knowing what was going to happen to me and my brother, it scared me more than anything.

Once the tears dried up and there were no more left to fall I got up and went to the kitchen to find glass scattered everywhere. I walked over to the basement door where the broom was standing in the corner by the door. I grabbed it and started sweeping the small pieces of glass up watching not to step on any. I started to think back to when Harry told me his name, it just doesn't really fit someone like him. It sounds so much older than him and wiser, Harry really lacks the last one but 'Harry'... It just doesn't fit him. I continued to sweep the pieces letting the thought of Harry's name fall to the back of my mind not wanting to think about the man who just hit me.

* * *

I'm just now getting done sweeping the floor. As I'm walking over to put the broom back I feel something stab my foot, I let out a pained scream and sit down on the floor tiles holding my foot. Tears start to fall as I see blood coming from the cut. I hear what sounds like someone running down the steps and sure enough Harry comes jogging into the kitchen with a worried look. I look away from him knowing he doesn't care about me, I direct my attention back to my bleeding foot. I hear him walking closer. I just hold my foot closer to me till I feel two cold strong arms wrap around my back and under my legs. Harry starts walking up the stairs and towards the bathroom.

"Put me down." I say trying to get away from his grasp.

"Shut up." He says and continues to walk up the stairs.

Once we get to the bathroom he sets me down on the counter and shuts the door with his foot.

"How did you do this." He asks looking at my bleeding foot.

"I stepped on glass that YOU broke." I say annoyed and look away from him.

"If you would have never got all mad-" I got cut off.

"So now it's my fault?!" He yells.

"Yes it is your fault!" I snap back my temper getting the best of me.

"You know what?! J-just shut up!" He yells and grabs my foot making me wince in pain.

Harry puts one of his hands in his pocket digging around till he finds what he needs. Once he does he pulls out the object. My heart stops, he holds a black pocket knife...

Psycho Sitter - Harry Styles COMPLETEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz