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☆*:.。. 。.:*☆

Taehyung had just come back to his apartment after working for three hours, since he did have a shift today but wasn't able to stay the whole day because of his family coming. Well, he could, but they would be mad at him - or at least his dad would. Taehyung wanted to stay with Jungkook as well, not wanting the younger to be alone. But what could he do? It was Saturday, Jungkook obviously didn't have any classes, and Taehyung did have work but had to move the remaining work hours for another day when he had the time to complete the five hours that were left.

The twenty one year old had been home for barely ten minutes before knocks on his front door were heard, and he sighed. He loved his family, but he didn't want to meet his dad. Negative comments about Taehyung and his home would be thrown out of his father's mouth as soon as the man would enter the small apartment Taehyung could barely afford by himself. He couldn't say he hated his dad, definitely not, but he really didn't love him like he loved his mother and younger brothers.

Before opening the door, Taehyung quickly glanced at himself in the mirror, looking kind of exhausted. He sighed again, he had only worked three hours but was still looking like a complete mess. He tried to fix his hair in an attempt to make it look less like a mess, without succeeding. Eventually he had to give up before his father would be annoyed at him for taking so long, the brunette ignored his hair and then walked to the door, unlocking it and opening it.

As expected, his family was standing outside, and happiness filled the twenty one year old's body. He hadn't seen them in a little more than three months, and he was immediately attacked by his two little brother's hugging him. "Taehyungie!" The both said at the same time, giggling at the sight of their older brother. "Hi kids," Taehyung said while kneeling down, making it easier for him to hug them back, a wide smile on his lips. "Shouldn't your mother get a hug too?" The recognisable voice of his mother said, and Taehyung chuckled before standing up properly again and then approaching his mother, wrapping his arms around her carefully. They hugged for a while before someone tapped on the brunette's shoulder. "And what about your father, Taehyung-ah?" The said male felt a sting of negativity in his body at the voice, then let go of his mother and turned to his father. With not much confidence, Taehyung hugged the man, who hugged back lightly.

"Uhm, let's go inside," he then said, motioning for his family to go inside first, before he walked in and closed the door in the process, as well as locking it. "It's very small here, Taehyung, are you sure your brothers can sleep well in here?" Taehyung kept his annoyance in, not wanting to show it the first thing he did after seeing his family for the first time in a few months. "I know it's small, I can't afford anything bigger, and you know that," the brunette said lowly, not wanting to feel ashamed but did anyways. "I'm sure the boys can sleep well in here! Right boys?" His mother said cheerfully, looking at her youngest children who were nodding enthusiastically. "Definitely!" They said in sync. That was something the two always did, nearly saying the same thing at the same time all the time. It was weird, really, but Taehyung was used to it.

"Me and your mother will come back later, we'll check in at our hotel, take care of each other!" The father of the family said before walking out of the apartment again, the mother following, waving at her children happily before closing the door. Taehyung walked over to it and locked it again, then turned to his younger brothers who were looking around the apartment with wide eyes.

"Your apartment is so nice, Taehyungie!" The younger one of them, Jinhong, said. He was seven, he thought most things were nice. He once saw a bush cut like a heart and started crying because it was so pretty and looked so nice. The older one of the two, Hwanhee, was nine. He wasn't like that, but he was more or less scared of everything existing. Kind of.

After a while of talking and playing together, the three siblings were sat in Taehyung's small and cozy livingroom, together fixing the younger boys' temporary sleeping places. "Oh, Taehyungie! I, or we, have to give you something!" Jinhong suddenly said, running out to the hall where his bag was, he searched for something before rushing back with his hands behind his back. "You have something for me? That's not necessary," Taehyung smiled, Hwanhee looked at the two with nervous eyes, knowing what Jinhong had behind his back. "Actually, uhm, we find it on the train!" Jinhong said, also looking nervous by now. "Oh, okay, what is it then? Maybe it's someone else's-" Jinhong gave the thing behind his back to the brunette, and Taehyung could swear his heart stopped for a second as he saw what was now in his hands.

An envelope, with Kim Taehyung being written on it.

☆*:.。. 。.:*☆

not edited.

i am quite nervous for the continuation in this story, i hope you'll like what i've been planning.

i might update my one shots and 'together in seoul' today too, but we'll see~

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