Kissing Prince Charming

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Hey guys! So this is a story I have been having in my head for awhile now. I got it after reading this little extra passage from a story I liked and in it the boy had never been kissed and someone gladly kissed him, letting him experience the best first kiss ever. I decided, why not put that theory to good use? Why not let someone have the best first kiss ever but with someone they don't even know? I hope the idea is a fresh and new one and I hope you guys enjoy it. I plan on keeping up with this story, so either way, read on! Vote, comment, give me as hard or as much or as little feedback as you want. 

Hopefully you guys stick with it! Much love, Nickymb ♥


In the beginning ~

Everyone seems to think that being the queen at the top of the social podium is the place to be.

If you’re not on top, where else would you be? Swimming with the losers in math class, worrying about equations rather than who wore what? If you don’t spend your leisure hours at parties and kissing bad boys on motorcycles, then you must be at home eating popcorn alone on your couch.

 Either way, queen bee or calculus genius, everyone has the same desire. You can be the prettiest girl in the class, you could be the least wanted guy on campus, either way it didn’t matter what race, skin color, or sexual orientation you were, we all wanted that one kiss to be special.

 The first kiss.

 As first kisses happen to go, mine seemed to fall in the category of the best to ever happen. Now you are probably thinking he must have been one hot piece of man.

Drool worthy possibly.

Some even ask me if he looked like those shirtless models off of the covers of adult books. Because, if it was the best kiss that every happened, surely he had to be a god?

 The truth is I couldn’t tell you either way.

 For all I know he could have looked like the bum who likes to hang around Walmart after hours. Who knows, maybe he did have washboard abs and killer hair to go with it. Maybe he was a geek. A bad boy.

A no good felon who liked to take advantage of girls in janitor closets.

 Honestly, I liked not knowing. It added to the mystery that was my Prince Charming. I know, I know, Prince Charming is such a cliche’ thing to say, but what else would I call him?

The boy I happened to feel up in a janitor closet one day?

 So I was content. So what.  I didn’t need to know. I let my happily ever kiss happen and that was the end of it. He and I went on our way, none of us the better for knowing.

Sometimes I liked to think about what he would have thought if he knew exactly who he was kissing, but I never ventured too far into that though. Because if he knew who he was kissing, would he have kissed me back?

 Or would he ran away laughing?

 It was all fine, like I said, until my cousin shouted over dinner one afternoon excitedly , “I have a huge announcement!” Usually this wouldn't be a too big a deal or problem. Kassi always had a huge announcement.

 Her whole life was full of them.

 But when she grabbed her boyfriends hand of five years and stood up, a smile on her face, I knew things were heading for the worst.

She grinned at everyone at the table before screaming, “I’m marrying the first boy I ever kissed!” Everyone gasped and swooned and fell head over heels with the notion that she was marrying her first kiss.

 And as I looked down at my cold piece of chicken, the sound of happy mummers drowning out around me, I knew what I was about to do was going to be the craziest thing I had ever done in my life.

 I was going to find my Prince Charming.

 No matter whoever, or whomever, I had to kiss to find him.

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