A boy with a secret ♥

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The game starts out the same way as every other one before it does.

As I sit on the bleacher closest to the field, I smile down at my girls as they quickly transcend into the next move to the routine I created months ago. They clap, they scream, and everyone around and behind me go crazy with adrenaline and excitement.

My eyes move to the huge board broadcasting the games current score and I roll my eyes when I see that our team is losing. Our team almost always losses. How my team is able to keep everyone in high spirits is beyond me. But, that’s the whole point of cheering.

Keep going even when the going kind of sucks.

I lean back on my palms just as the halftime signal blows. My squad makes their way to the sidelines as all the players head to their respective areas, each member seeking the blissful break they have probably been thinking about for hours.

Out of all the players I somehow spot Jacks as he runs up and pats one of his teammates on the shoulder. The guy says something back and Jacks smiles before jogging ahead of him.

I’m still watching him when I feel someone slide into the empty spot next to me. I don’t even have to look up to know who it is. I have been waiting for this moment since the game first started.

“Are you feeling Jacks now? Is he the guy out of the triad of them that you want?” I  try not to laugh as I turn my gaze to Hunter while at the same time Jacks takes a swig out of his water bottle.

“No. It’s just funny to think that if I was just a smidge bit different Jacks and I could have been the biggest power couple at this school.” Hunter shakes his head while at the same time flicking a piece of his blonde hair back.

“That would be such a cliche. And as cliches happen to go, I hate them.” I eye him with suspicion and he just stares back at me a few blank seconds before smiling.

“I mean, while I would love for the most popular girl in school to be bitchy, I kinda like the girl I see in front of me.” He taps his fingers on my knee playfully and I wrinkle my nose at him.

“Stop bullshitting me.”

He drops his hand and gives me an offended look. “I hate that phase. Like, really, if I was bullshitting you you wouldn’t ever be the wiser.”

“Sure,” I comment, looking back at the field. As much as I wanted to go back and forth with him, we still had business to attend too.

“You and I might as well get this out of the way. When do you want me to say hi to you? And speaking of saying hi to you, why didn’t you wait for me to approach you? I think it kind of ruins the whole ‘seek you out’ plan you had going.” Hunter drops his gaze to all the players on the field and a sad smile takes over his face.

“It’s not the right time.”

I don’t even bother asking what he means. I think life just wanted every boy in my life to be invasive little twats who never tell the whole truth. Whatever. More power to the assholes.

Sighing, I cross my arms over my chest and go back to looking at my team. “You know what I don’t understand?” Hunter says after a few seconds of silence.

“Why on earth football is so important. Actually, why any sport involving throwing balls is so important. It is so god awfully boring.” I turn and take in his tan khakis and plain green shirt. “Who exactly are you Hunter? And speaking of who you are, I don’t even think I know your last name.”

He runs a hand through his light locks and smirks. “Is this a game now? See who knows more about the other one? It’s not really a secret.”

He inquires before raising both eyebrows. “I’m actually uninteresting. My last name is Mack, which is a horror in itself, and my favorite color just so happens to be green. Que the shirt darling.” He makes a show of running his hands over his shirt and I try not to laugh at his performance.

Kissing Prince CharmingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora